Heade plaanidega homsesse. Holm Planning for tomorrow. Holm С хорошими планами на завтра. Holm Ar labiem plāniem rītdienai. Holm Bra planer för morgondagen. Holm
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 02.11.2030








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Holm Bank AS, EE, (EPOID: 829813)



NICE Classification

  • Banking software;
    Computer programmes relating to financial matters;
    Payment software;
    Business software;
    Computer software for producing financial models;
    Data and file management and database software;
    Computer communication software to allow customers to access bank account information and transact bank business;
    Multifunction cards for financial services;
    Banking cards [encoded or magnetic];
    Payment terminals, money dispensing and sorting devices;
    Electronic machines for recording financial operations;
    Electronic publications, downloadable;
    Computer terminals for banking purposes;
    Automated teller machines [ATM].;

NICE Classification

  • Financial marketing;
    Advertising services relating to financial services;
    Advertising services relating to financial investment;
    Presentation of financial products on communication media, for retail purposes;
    Provision of online financial services comparisons;
    Business assistance, management and administrative services;
    Business organisation;
    Office functions services;
    Business consultancy and advisory services;
    Business analysis and information services, and market research;
    Financial auditing;
    Financial statement preparation and analysis for businesses;
    Bookkeeping for electronic funds transfer;
    Preparation of economic reports;
    Economic forecasting;
    Business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding;
    Computerized file management;
    Data processing;
    Collection of data;
    Data processing, systematisation and management;
    Compilation and systemization of information into computer databases;
    Financial records management.;

NICE Classification

  • Financial and monetary services, and banking;
    Currency trading and exchange services;
    Securities and commodities trading services;
    Loan and credit, and lease-finance services;
    Debt recovery and factoring services;
    Investment services;
    Fund investment services;
    Financial underwriting and securities issuance (investment banking);
    Financial transfers and transactions, and payment services;
    Cash, check (cheque) and money order services;
    Cash card services;
    Tax and duty payment services;
    Financial information, data, advice and consultancy services;
    Financial rating and provision of credit reports;
    Financial appraisal services;
    Valuation services;
    Financial planning services;
    Financing and funding services;
    Venture capital services;
    Rental of cash machines, cash counters and cash registers;
    Fundraising and financial sponsorship;
    Provision of prepaid cards and tokens;
    Safe deposit services.;

NICE Classification

  • IT services;
    Software development;
    Science and technology services;
    Technological research;
    Design and development of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data;
    Technical support services relating to computer software and applications;
    Rental of computer hardware and computer software;
    Design of information systems relating to finance;
    Rental of financial management software;
    Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for analyzing financial data and generating reports;
    Authenticating banknotes;
    Designing, checking the functionalities and development of payment terminals, money dispensing apparatus and money sorting apparatus, and providing of advice and information relating thereto.;

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