We empower your websites and software with comprehensive trademark search tool using advanced machine learning algorithms. Our service provides accurate results, enabling customers to make informed decisions about their trademark strategy and protect their intellectual property. Find out how to improve your business by providing your clients and employees with our trademark search tools and attracting more customers.

Trademark search API

Seamlessly integrate our API into your applications to swiftly and accurately retrieve essential trademark information. Empower your software with the ability to search and analyze trademarks effortlessly with our user-friendly and efficient API.

White label trademark search

Light solution for small and medium businesses to empower your website with innovative search engine helping to enrich your services and to attract new clients.

On-line trademark searchTM

Try our database search free of charge to experience the benefits of our innovative AI-powered search engine

How trademark search works How it works

Our Database

# Name Protected Submited Live Protected Live Submited Actualization
1 img United States US 12.170.255 11.674.373 4.305.629 3.901.961 15.05.2022
2 img India IN 6.329.478 6.193.195 3.796.047 3.661.812 12.09.2024
3 img United Kingdom UK 3.347.299 3.347.297 2.367.487 2.367.485 11.09.2024
4 img Mexico MX 3.262.337 3.134.948 1.877.721 1.753.636 04.09.2024
5 img Spain ES 6.115.417 2.848.939 2.754.646 853.952 12.09.2024
6 img Turkey TR 2.975.013 2.738.991 1.764.144 1.584.062 01.09.2024
7 img EUPO EU 2.444.435 2.444.435 1.761.380 1.761.380 23.08.2024
8 img Australia AU 2.560.297 2.263.034 1.395.055 1.151.961 11.09.2024
9 img Canada CA 2.026.036 1.914.339 1.041.170 929.924 11.09.2024
10 img Russian Federation RU 1.892.537 1.446.973 1.127.243 822.336 11.09.2024
11 img WIPO WO 1.388.905 939.013 13.09.2024
12 img Italy IT 4.657.382 1.318.398 3.198.659 1.261.931 22.08.2024
13 img Switzerland CH 1.163.743 547.011 642.880 280.798 05.08.2024
14 img Ukraine UA 711.629 473.518 358.183 196.606 21.08.2024
15 img Saudi Arabia SA 313.376 313.366 258.912 258.902 05.03.2024
16 img Norway NO 547.931 311.072 279.434 109.743 11.09.2024
17 img United Arab Emirates AE 286.793 269.615 220.111 202.938 24.10.2023
18 img Israel IL 341.759 264.103 186.348 114.950 12.09.2024
19 img Morocco MA 374.899 184.854 197.857 88.368 15.08.2022
20 img Egypt EG 320.125 149.384 170.109 67.270 27.10.2022
21 img Georgia GE 202.045 126.683 124.125 67.953 12.03.2024
22 img Estonia EE 3.127.158 124.620 1.849.055 53.493 10.09.2024
23 img Lithuania LT 3.110.445 95.322 1.843.844 40.937 11.09.2024
24 img Kazakhstan KZ 228.885 92.457 160.913 61.907 13.08.2024
25 img Kenya KE 135.549 90.223 56.626 21.360 04.09.2018
26 img Oman OM 125.397 87.287 92.307 58.814 09.11.2022
27 img Belarus BY 242.580 82.247 151.455 41.905 02.09.2024
28 img Latvia LV 3.094.493 67.639 1.830.816 22.841 09.05.2022
29 img Bahrain BH 103.057 61.646 88.435 53.504 25.10.2023
30 img Uzbekistan UZ 138.707 55.196 80.920 23.572 17.07.2020
31 img Armenia AM 133.497 49.247 76.135 17.136 01.01.2024
32 img Moldova MD 142.076 42.653 85.644 18.664 22.02.2023
33 img Kyrgyzstan KG 95.328 15.057 68.125 12.306 30.08.2024
34 img Botswana BW 28.181 13.761 19.405 6.981 09.11.2021
Total: 62.748.139 44.230.788 34.230.820 22.810.401

Unlocking the potential of trademark search API!

In the fast-paced world of business, protecting your brand is more crucial than ever. The rise of global commerce and online presence has made trademark infringement a prevalent concern for companies of all sizes. To address this challenge, enter TMSearch.ai – the cutting-edge solution that is revolutionizing trademark search.

TMSearch.ai is a state-of-the-art trademark search platform that combines artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics to provide unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in identifying potential trademark conflicts. Unlike traditional search methods, TMSearch.ai harnesses the power of advanced algorithms to streamline the process, delivering comprehensive results in record time.

Key features of the trademark search API service

  • TMSearch.ai employs intelligent search algorithms that go beyond simple keyword matching. The platform understands the nuances of trademarks, including phonetic similarities, misspellings, and conceptual similarities, ensuring a thorough and precise search.
  • With a vast and continuously updated global trademark database, TMSearch.ai enables users to conduct searches on a worldwide scale. This comprehensive coverage ensures that businesses can protect their brands not only in their local markets but also in the increasingly interconnected global landscape.
  • TMSearch.ai boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both legal professionals and business owners. The platform's straightforward design allows users to navigate seamlessly through the search process, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Stay ahead of potential threats with TMSearch.ai's real-time monitoring feature. Receive instant alerts about new trademark filings and potential conflicts, allowing proactive measures to be taken to safeguard your brand.
  • TMSearch.ai provides in-depth reports with a comprehensive analysis of search results. These reports empower users with the information needed to make informed decisions about their trademarks, mitigating risks and avoiding costly legal battles.

Benefits for Businesses

  • TMSearch.ai reduces the time spent on trademark searches, allowing businesses to focus on strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down in lengthy search processes.
  • By minimizing the risk of trademark conflicts, TMSearch.ai helps businesses avoid costly legal disputes and potential rebranding expenses.
  • In an era of global business, TMSearch.ai ensures that your brand is protected not only locally but across borders, securing your intellectual property on a worldwide scale.

TMSearch.ai is a game-changer in the field of trademark protection. With its innovative approach, advanced technology, and user-friendly interface, businesses can now navigate the complex landscape of trademarks with confidence. Don't leave the fate of your brand to chance – embrace the future of trademark search with TMSearch.ai and ensure your brand's success in the global marketplace.



UK - powered on!

Now you can make search for all UK trademark applications on our platform!
GB trademark search


Norway complete!

Today at international holiday we made surprise to our users!
Norway trademark search


Switzerland added!

We are pleased to inform you that all data from Swiss national trademark office has been added to our platform! There are 541.677 trade marks at start.
Swiss trademark search


India is now part of our platform!

We are pleased to inform you that India has been added to our platform! Our search function now includes all trademark data from the Indian Intellectual Property Office, comprising a substantial total of 5,795,578 trademarks. Wishing you a fantastic experience!
Indian trademark search


Turkey is now part of our platform!

We are pleased to inform you that Turkey has been added to our platform! Our search function now includes all trademark data from the Turkish Intellectual Property Office, comprising a substantial total of 2,609,129 trademarks. Wishing you a fantastic experience!
Turkish trademark search


Australia is now on board!

We're excited to announce the incorporation of comprehensive trademark data from the Australian Intellectual Property Office into our search function! Initially, this includes a total of 2,189,702 trademarks. Enjoy your exploration!
Australian trademark search


We've introduced Mexico!

All trademark information from the Mexico Intellectual Property Office is now integrated into our search feature! Initially, it covers a total of 2,959,996 trademarks!
Trademark search in Mexico


We've incorporated Spain!

All trademark information from the Spain Intellectual Property Office is now part of our search functionality! Initially, it covers a total of 2,805,570 trademarks! Enjoy your trademark search in Spain!
trademark search in Spain


We've introduced Saudi Arabia!

All trademark information from the Saudi Arabia Intellectual Property Office is now integrated into our search feature! Initially, it covers a total of 298,422 trademarks! Enjoy your trademark search in Saudi Arabia!
trademark search in Saudi Arabia


We're excited to announce the addition of Canada!

Our search function now incorporates all trademark data from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Initially, it covers a substantial total of 1,851,209 trademarks! Enjoy a seamless and comprehensive search experience!
trademark search in Canada


We're thrilled to share that Israel is now part of our offerings!

Our search function now includes comprehensive trademark data from the Israeli Intellectual Property Office, totaling 300,230 trademarks! Wishing you a pleasant and fruitful search experience!
trademark search in Israel