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Alba Concepts, NL, (EPOID: 1420871)



NICE Classification

  • Provision of business and commercial information, Including the aforesaid services by means of a knowledge centre, in the following fields: Sustainable construction;
    Mediation and consultancy in establishing business contacts;
    Commercial business services provided by network organisations;
    Business support for associations;
    Commercial lobbying services, including in relation to the following fields: Sustainable construction;
    Computerized file management;
    Organisation of events for commercial and advertising purposes, including in relation to the following fields: Sustainable construction.;

NICE Classification

  • Training;
    Arranging and conducting educational and recreational events and meetings;
    Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses, symposiums and seminars, Arranging and conducting of lectures, Arranging and conducting of workshops [training], Arranging and conducting of training courses and Arranging and conducting of classes, including in relation to the following fields: Sustainable construction;
    Compilation and publication of instructional and teaching material, including in relation to the following fields: Sustainable construction;
    Issuing, publishing and distributing books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, leaflets, brochures, publications, instructional material, teaching material and other printed matter, including in digital form, and electronic publications and audio-visual and multimedia productions;
    Consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services.;

NICE Classification

  • Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto;
    Industrial analysis and research services;
    Technological consultancy, Information and Information services, in the following fields: Eco-innovation and environmentally conscious construction;
    Technical research and technical project studies, And results evaluations;
    Testing services, analyzing and Providing of opinions In connection with the following goods: Materials, materials and Products, including in relation to the following fields: Sustainable construction;
    Design relating to construction projects, building structures and constructions, including for the preservation of buildings;
    Development of construction projects, building structures and constructions, including for the preservation of buildings;
    design optimisation;
    Inspecting buildings for energy management, and drawing up inspection reports relating thereto;
    Technical surveying;
    Quality control and quality assurance;
    drawing up and testing of standards, certification criteria and assessment guidelines, as well as consultancy thereon;
    drawing up and Issuance, In connection with the following goods: Inspection reports;
    Conducting of inspections;
    Platform as a service [PaaS], including in relation to the following fields: Circular construction;
    IT and ICT services;
    Consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services.;

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