Наша Нiва

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Nasha Niva Fund, VšĮ, LT, (EPOID: 1442144)



NICE Classification

  • Publishing, reporting, and writing of texts;
    Rental of audio/visual and photographic equipment and facilities;
    Electronic publication of texts and printed matter, other than publicity texts, on the Internet;
    Video production services;
    Video editing;
    Editing of video recordings;
    Production of television programs for broadcast on mobile devices;
    Production of podcasts;
    Television and radio programme preparation and production;
    Television and radio programming [scheduling];
    Production of television features;
    Television production;
    Services for the production of radio programmes;
    Preparation of radio and television programmes;
    Programming [scheduling of programs] on a global computer network;
    Editing or recording of sounds and images;
    Production of sound and music recordings;
    Audio and video production, and photography;
    Photographic imaging services by drone;
    Publication of texts in the form of electronic media;
    Publication of electronic newspapers accessible via a global computer network;
    Multimedia publishing of electronic publications;
    Providing electronic publications;
    Providing online electronic publications, not downloadable;
    Publication of electronic magazines;
    Publishing of magazines in electronic form on the Internet;
    Publication of printed matter in electronic form on the Internet;
    Publication of printed matter in electronic form;
    Publishing of reviews;
    Publishing of documents;
    Publication of fact sheets;
    Publishing a newspaper for customers on the Internet;
    Newspaper publication;
    Multimedia publishing of newspapers;
    Issue of publications;
    News programme services for radio or television;
    Providing on-line publications;
    Publication of the editorial content of sites accessible via a global computer network;
    News reporters services;
    News syndication reporting;
    Digital video, audio and multimedia entertainment publishing services;
    Publication of printed matter and printed publications;
    Publication of texts and images, including in electronic form, except for advertising purposes;
    Writing of texts;
    Creation [writing] of podcasts;
    Investigative journalism services;
    Journalism services.;

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