Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 18.05.2032









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Fischer, Michael, DE, (EPOID: 1309807)



NICE Classification

  • Banking software;
    Payment software;
    Downloadable computer software for blockchain technology;
    Downloadable computer software for managing cryptocurrency transactions using blockchain technology;
    E-commerce and e-payment software;
    Software for the processing of business transactions.;

NICE Classification

  • Financial transactions via blockchain;
    International banking;
    Financial banking;
    Investment banking;
    Electronic banking;
    Banking services for deposit-taking;
    Mortgage banking and brokerage;
    Mortgage banking;
    Banking insurance;
    Banking and financial services;
    Mortgage banking and mortgage broking;
    Merchant banking;
    Financial evaluations [banking];
    Mortgage banking insurance;
    Evaluation (Financial -) [insurance, banking, real estate];
    Financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate];
    Internet banking;
    Investment banking services;
    Payment processing;
    Collection of payments;
    Processing of credit card payments;
    Credit card payment processing;
    Automated payment;
    Credit card payment services;
    Processing of electronic payments;
    Electronic processing of payments;
    Payment processing services;
    Payment administration services;
    Electronic payment services;
    Contactless payment services;
    Financial payment services;
    Processing of payment transactions via the Internet;
    Retirement payment services;
    Automated payment of accounts;
    Telegraphic remittance [payment] services;
    Preparation of pension payments;
    Financial transfers and transactions, and payment services;
    Financial exchange of crypto assets;
    Electronic transfer of crypto assets;
    Brokerage of currency;
    Currency trading;
    Electronic funds transfer provided via blockchain technology;
    Financial transactions;
    Credit card transaction processing services;
    Monetary transactions;
    Financial transaction services;
    Investment fund transfer and transaction services;
    Execution of financial transactions (Services for the -);
    Processing of electronic credit card transactions;
    Electronic credit card transaction processing;
    Monetary transaction services;
    Conducting of financial transactions;
    Electronic credit card transactions;
    Conducting cashless payment transactions;
    Online financial transactions;
    Financial consultancy relating to the execution of cashless payment transactions;
    Processing of electronic debit transactions;
    Processing credit card transactions for others.;

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