Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 15.09.2023








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Nine Network Australia Pty Limited


Norton Rose Fulbright Australia



NICE Classification

  • Broadcasting, communication, telecommunication and datacasting services including television broadcasting services and interactive services;
    digital broadcasting, communication, telecommunication and datacasting services (including interactive services);
    transmission services (regardless of the technological means of transmission);
    computer aided transmission of messages and images;
    telecommunication services being the provision of links to databases;
    facsimile transmission services;
    information and message sending services including telephone information services;
    communications via telephone and facsimile;
    communication by computer via global computer networks including the Internet;
    transmission of information on a wide range of topics via on-line services (including online, interactive, digital and datacasting information services);
    transmission of information in the fields of communications, telecommunications and news via online services;
    on-line visual, audio and audio-visual transmission services;
    transmission of information on a wide range of topics by means of electronic communications networks including global computer networks;
    provision of information in the fields of communications, telecommunications and news by means of electronic communications networks including global computer networks;
    information services (including on-line, interactive, digital and datacasting information services) in the fields of communications, telecommunications and news;
    e-mail services;

NICE Classification

  • Production of television programs and television content, including interactive television programs and television content;
    educational and entertainment services provided via all forms of electronic transmission, including broadcast, narrowcast, multi-point, point-to point, free-to-air, pay and subscription television, datacasting and digital means;
    electronic publishing;
    information services (including on-line, interactive, digital and datacasting information services) in the fields of education, entertainment, sport, recreation, political news, news programming and current affairs;
    publication of information on global computer networks including the Internet;
    conduct of educational seminars and workshops;
    publication of information in the fields of education, entertainment, sport, recreation, political news, news programming and current affairs via online services;
    provision of information in the fields of education, entertainment, sport, recreation, political news, news programming and current affairs by means of electronic communications networks including global computer networks;
    interactive games services;
    consumer education services including in relation to restaurants, clothing, cosmetics, hotels and other temporary accommodation, holidays, motor cars, and consumer goods and consumer services;
    arranging and conducting live shows, concerts, stage shows, parties, entertainment events, public forums, balls, dances, award ceremonies, sporting events and other entertainment;
    entertainment services of a magazine club;

NICE Classification

  • Maintenance of global computer network sites, being the updating of information on these sites;
    maintenance of global computer network sites for others;
    dissemination of information in the field of politics via online services;
    provision of information in the field of politics by means of electronic communications networks including global computer networks;
    advisory and information services (including online, interactive, digital and datacasting advisory and information services) in relation to the foregoing;

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