Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 12.03.2004








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Broadcast Australia Pty Limited


Broadcast Australia Pty Limited



NICE Classification

  • Telecommunications, communications and broadcasting apparatus and equipment in this class and parts and fittings therefore in this class;
    electronic and electrical apparatus in this class including computer hardware, computer software and computer peripherals and parts and fittings therefore in this class for the aforesaid goods;

NICE Classification

  • Services allowing consumers to shop on-line by electronic means including allowing consumers to access information from third parties about goods and services and to conduct transactions electronically, and to allow payment by electronic means, including such services provided on-line or by wireless means;

NICE Classification

  • Financial services payment services processing payment made by credit, debit and charge cards;
    services allowing consumers to access financial information from third parties and to carry our financial transactions electronically, including such services provided on-line or by wireless means;

NICE Classification

  • Installation and maintenance services in this class including installation and maintenance of computers, computer networks, data processing apparatus, communications apparatus and apparatus for use in broadcasting, transmission, receiving, processing, reproducing, encoding and decoding of signals;
    construction of communications apparatus and sites for communications purposes;
    installation, maintenance and repair of telephone equipment and closed circuit television systems;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunications services;
    communications services;
    broadcasting and datacasting services;
    providing user access to a global computer network;
    provision of telecommunications links to local and global computer networks and electronic messaging systems;
    provision of telecommunications links to terrestrial, radio and satellite signalling broadcasting systems, telephone operating systems and data processing networks;
    electronic transmission of data via satellite, cable, radio and television signalling networks;
    provision of information and advisory services in relation to the aforesaid services;
    provision of access to computer databases on the Internet;
    provision of information and advisory services relating to the provision of access to computer databases and the Internet;

NICE Classification

  • Entertainment services, namely providing entertainment programmes to be broadcast via television, satellite, audio, radio and video media and via global and local computer networks;
    entertainment services with interactive functionality provided via cable, television, satellite and radio networks;
    interactive television programme services;
    educational and training services, namely conducting classes, conferences, seminars and in-house training in the fields of telecommunications, telephone, broadcasting, data transmission, electronic messaging, and operation of global and local computer networks;
    production of television and radio programmes;
    production of television and radio programmes, production and presentation of broadcast programmes;

NICE Classification

  • Technological services and research and design services in the fields of broadcasting and communications;
    design and development of computer hardware and software;

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Trademark catalog

44 64
440 15
4400 5
444 9