Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 29.09.2032









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Seed Health, Inc.



NICE Classification

  • Video magazine recorded on electronic media featuring educational content in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome;
    digital media, namely, DVDs, downloadable audio and video recordings featuring educational content in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome;
    downloadable educational media, namely, audio files, video recordings and multimedia files featuring educational content in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome;
    downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, brochures and magazines featuring educational content in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing on-line non-downloadable educational courses and educational course materials via a website in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome;
    providing educational resources via a website, namely, non-downloadable publications in the nature of newsletters, brochures and magazines in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome;
    providing non-downloadable audio and video recordings via a website in the fields of health, foundational health and nutrition, biology, physiology and medicine through the perspective and context of microbes and the microbiome.;

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