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Rothbury Wines Pty Ltd





NICE Classification

  • Computer programs;
    computer software;
    application software;
    computer software applications (downloadable);
    downloadable software applications (apps);
    application software for electronic devices including computers, laptops, tablets, mobile telephones and smartphones;
    downloadable software applications for electronic devices including computers, laptops, tablets, mobile telephones and smartphones;
    Digital materials, namely, non-fungible tokens (NFTs);
    Digital materials, including crypto products, cryptocurrency, crypto tokens, non-fungible tokens, crypto collectibles, non-fungible assets, blockchain-based non-fungible assets and utility tokens;
    digital media, namely, digital collectibles, digital tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and digital art;
    Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other application tokens;
    non-fungible tokens used with blockchain technology;
    non-fungible tokens used with blockchain technology to represent a collectible item;
    non-fungible tokens featuring collectible images and videos;
    non-fungible tokens featuring digital art;
    digital tokens used with blockchain technology;
    digital tokens used with blockchain technology to represent a collectible item;
    digital tokens used with blockchain technology for data storage and content access limitation;
    Downloadable virtual goods, namely, computer programs featuring digital collectibles, art, musical works, audio-visual content and memorabilia;
    downloadable virtual goods, namely, computer programs which enable access to real- world experiences through crypto tokens;
    computer software for managing and validating cryptocurrency and nonfungible tokens (NFTs) transactions using blockchain-based smart contracts;
    computer software for managing and validating cryptocurrency and nonfungible tokens (NFTs) transactions using blockchain technology;
    computer software for managing and verifying cryptocurrency and nonfungible tokens (NFTs) transactions on a blockchain;
    Software for use in providing information and trading of digital media, digital materials, crypto products, cryptocurrency, crypto tokens, non-fungible tokens, crypto collectibles, non-fungible assets, blockchain-based non-fungible assets and utility tokens;
    Databases, including computer databases containing data and information relating to digital media, digital materials, crypto products, cryptocurrency, crypto tokens, non-fungible tokens, crypto collectibles, non-fungible assets, blockchain-based non-fungible assets and utility tokens;
    virtual goods in the form of digital files (downloadable);
    downloadable image files;

NICE Classification

  • Wholesale and retail services relating to the sale, distribution and marketing of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages;
    direct marketing and direct selling services in relation to the supply of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages including by mail order and by electronic means;
    online retail services;
    sales promotion services;
    promotion services including arranging exhibitions and tasting events in respect of wines;
    arranging and conducting promotional and marketing events;
    customer service management relating to after-sales services in respect of wines;
    business advisory services;
    business management;
    business administration;
    office functions;

NICE Classification

  • Wine tasting events, education services relating to the making, selection and consumption of wine and matching of wines with foods;
    arranging of exhibitions for cultural purposes;
    arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes;
    arranging of exhibitions for entertainment purposes;
    arranging of exhibitions for training purposes;
    conducting of exhibitions for amusement purposes;
    conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes;
    conducting of exhibitions for entertainment purposes;
    conducting of exhibitions for recreation purposes;
    organising events for entertainment purposes;
    provision of live entertainment;
    arranging and conducting of concerts;

NICE Classification

  • The preparation and provision of food and drink;
    wine tasting services;
    wine club services;
    cafes, cafeterias, self-service and serviced cafeterias, cafe bars and related services;
    restaurants, self-service restaurants;
    snack bars;
    catering services;
    coffee shops and coffee houses;
    catering (food and drink) services;
    take away services;
    cocktail lounges;
    fast food outlets;
    hospitality services (food and drink);
    provision of conference facilities;
    hotel services in this class including providing temporary accommodation;

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