Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Portfolio4 Pty Ltd


Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd



NICE Classification

  • Application software;
    Computer networks for the communication of data;
    Computer networks for the processing of data;
    Computer networks for the storage of data;
    Computer programs for data processing;
    Computer software;
    Computer software for business purposes;
    Computer software programs;
    Computer software programs for database management;
    Data collection apparatus;
    Data collectors;
    Data communications apparatus;
    Data communications software;
    Data compilations;
    Data information processing units;
    Data processing apparatus;
    Data processing software;
    Data receiving apparatus;
    Data recording apparatus;
    Data storage apparatus;
    Data transmission apparatus;
    Data programmes;
    Downloadable software applications (apps);
    Interactive computer software;
    Programs for data-processing;
    Programs for processing data on computers;
    Programs for recording data in reproduction technology;

NICE Classification

  • Data management;
    Data management advice;
    Business consultancy services relating to data processing;
    Business data analysis;
    Collation of data;
    Collection of data;
    Compilation of business data;
    Compilation of information into computer databases;
    Compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Computer data processing;
    Consultancy relating to data processing;
    Data collection (for others);
    Data processing;
    Data retrieval;
    Data transcription;
    Database management;
    Maintaining data in databases;
    Online data processing services;
    Preparation of business data;
    Preparation of commercial reports;
    Provision of business data;
    Systemization of information into computer databases;
    Updating and maintenance of data in computer databases;
    Updating data in databases;

NICE Classification

  • Data mining services;
    Data security consultancy;
    Data storage, other than physical storage;
    Development of systems for the processing of data;
    Development of systems for the storage of data;
    Development of systems for the transmission of data;
    Electronic data storage;
    Hosting of software as a service (SaaS);
    Information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy);
    Installation and maintenance of computer software;
    Installation, repair and maintenance of middleware (software);
    Monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorised access or data breach;
    Off-site data backup (online);
    Online provision of web-based software (non-downloadable);
    Provision of online non-downloadable software (application service provider);
    Recovery of computer data;
    Scanning (conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media);
    Technical data analysis services;

NICE Classification

  • Advisory services relating to consumers rights;
    Information services relating to consumer rights;
    Legal administration of licences;
    Legal advice;
    Legal compliance auditing;
    Legal services;
    Licensing of computer software (legal services);
    Licensing of software;

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