Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 08.01.2031








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Mezzion Pharma Co., Ltd.



NICE Classification

  • Educational services, namely, seminars in the field of pharmaceuticals, medicine, health, wellbeing, and cardiac issues and distribution of course materials in connection therewith;
    providing online publications, not downloadable, in the field of pharmaceuticals, medicine, health, wellbeing, and cardiac issues via a website.;

NICE Classification

  • Medical and pharmaceutical research for the treatment of cardiac disease and disorders;
    Medical and pharmaceutical research for the treatment of cardiac disease and disorders, namely, single ventricle heart disease (SVHD), including SVHD subjects who have undergone Fontan Palliation and product development services;
    scientific and technological research services related thereto, namely, scientific research services for the treatment of cardiac disease and disorders, and single ventricle heart disease (SVHD), including SVHD subjects who have undergone Fontan Palliation;
    medical testing services, namely, providing laboratory testing services for medical research purposes and information in the field of the treatment of cardiac disease and disorders research, and single ventricle heart disease (SVHD) research, including SVHD subjects who have undergone Fontan Palliation;
    conducting clinical trials for others;
    providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicine via a website.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing information relating to diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic properties of pharmaceuticals and medicine, health, wellness, and cardiac health issues via websites;
    Medical testing and screening services, namely, medical diagnostic testing services and medical screening for the treatment of cardiac disease and disorders, and single ventricle heart disease (SVHD), including SVHD subjects who have undergone Fontan Palliation;
    providing information in the field of health and wellness via a website;
    providing medical information in the field of cardiac issues via a website;
    medical testing services, namely, providing medical testing services and information in the field of the treatment of cardiac disease and disorders, and single ventricle heart disease (SVHD), including SVHD subjects who have undergone Fontan Palliation for diagnostic or treatment purposes.;

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