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Roasting Warehouse IP Pty Ltd


Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd



NICE Classification

  • Dairy products;
    dairy-based products;
    milk products;
    milk-based products;
    milk beverages including blended iced coffee flavoured milk beverages;
    flavoured milk beverages;

NICE Classification

  • Coffee;
    coffee beans;
    unroasted coffee beans;
    coffee beverages;
    coffee capsules, filled;
    coffee extracts;
    coffee essences;
    coffee flavourings;
    extracts of coffee for use as flavours in beverages;
    extracts of coffee for use as flavours in foodstuffs;
    instant coffee;
    instant powder for making flavoured coffee-based, tea-based or cocoa-based drinks;
    coffee mixtures;
    coffee oils;
    coffee pods;
    chocolate coffee;
    malt coffee;
    malt coffee extracts;
    flavoured coffee;
    green coffee;
    unroasted coffee;
    ground coffee;
    freeze-dried coffee;
    beverages consisting principally of coffee;
    beverages made from coffee;
    beverages with coffee base;
    aerated beverages (with coffee, cocoa or chocolate base);
    coffee products;
    preparations for making coffee based beverages;
    coffee substitutes;
    vegetable preparations for use as coffee substitutes;
    mixtures of chicory for use as coffee substitutes;
    mixtures of coffee essences and coffee extracts;

NICE Classification

  • Non-alcoholic beverages;
    water, mineral water, sparkling water, soft drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, sparkling fruit and juice based beverages and soda beverages, liquid and powdered beverage mixes;
    syrups for making beverages;
    syrup power for making beverages;

NICE Classification

  • Retail and wholesale services, including online;
    retail and wholesale services, including online, of milk, coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee beans, coffee pods, coffee mixtures, coffee extracts, coffee flavourings, coffee essences, coffee oils, tea-based or cocoa-based drinks, beverages consisting principally of coffee, beverages made from coffee, beverages with coffee base, aerated beverages (with coffee, cocoa or chocolate base), coffee products, preparations for making coffee based beverages, coffee substitutes, vegetable preparations for use as coffee substitutes, mixtures of chicory for use as coffee substitutes, mixtures of coffee essences and coffee extracts, tea products, aromatic teas, artificial tea, fruit flavoured tea, fruit flavoured infusions, herbal tea, herbal infusions, instant tea, instant infusions, packaged tea, packaged infusions;
    preparations for making beverages;
    tea-based beverages;
    beverages made of tea;
    tea essence;
    tisanes made of tea, kettles, coffee makers, espresso makers and coffee grinders, housewares, hand-operated coffee grinders and coffee mills, insulated coffee and beverage cups (made of metal, plastics and/or ceramics), collapsible cup carriers and caddies, non-paper coasters, insulated vacuum bottles, coffee cups, tea cups and mugs, glassware, dishes, plates and bowls, trivets, storage containers, non-electric drip coffee makers and non-electric plunger-style coffee makers, paper and non-paper coffee filters;
    online ordering services in the field of restaurant take-out and delivery;
    online promotion on a computer network;
    business management;
    business administration;
    franchising, namely providing technical assistance in the establishment and/or operation of restaurants, cafes, coffee houses and snack bars;

NICE Classification

  • Coffee roasting;
    coffee grinding;

NICE Classification

  • Providing of food and drinks;
    restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, snack bar, coffee bar and coffee house, carry out restaurant, and take out restaurant services;
    catering services;
    coffee supply services for offices;
    contract food services;
    food preparation;
    preparation and sale of carry out foods and beverages;
    consultancy, advisory and information services in relation to the provision of food and drink;

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