Dunny Papers

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Dunny Papers Pty Ltd


Dunny Papers Pty Ltd



NICE Classification

  • Non-medicated toilet paper;
    Napkins of paper for toilet purposes;
    Articles of paper for wrapping;
    Brown paper for wrapping;
    Gift wrapping paper;
    Decorative wrapping paper;
    Containers of paper for wrapping purposes;
    Adhesive printed stickers;
    Adhesive stickers;
    Absorbent paper tissue products;
    Face tissues of paper;
    Facial tissue made principally of paper;
    Facial tissues of paper;
    Paper tissues for wiping;
    Packing tissue;
    Paper tissues;
    Kitchen tissues;
    Kitchen rolls of absorbent tissue;
    Paper tissues for removing make-up (other than those impregnated with toilet preparations);
    Paper tissues for cleaning (other than those impregnated with cleaning preparations);
    Tissue paper;
    Tissue papers;
    Spectacle cleaning wipes (non-impregnated tissues);
    Tissues of paper;
    Tissues of paper for cleaning lenses;
    Tissues of paper for removing make-up;
    Toilet tissue;
    Toilet tissue made of paper;
    Toilet tissue made of paper derivatives;
    Toilet tissues;
    Toilet tissues of paper;
    Towel rolls of tissue paper;
    Wipes made of tissue (other than impregnated or for medical use);
    Adhesive tape for packaging purposes;
    Boxes for packaging (cardboard);
    Boxes for storage purposes (cardboard);
    Boxes made of cardboard;
    Boxes of cardboard;
    Adhesive for cardboard for household purposes;
    Articles of cardboard for packaging;
    Articles of cardboard for use in packaging;
    Articles of cardboard for wrapping;
    Articles of cardboard in the form of boxes;
    Boxes of paper or cardboard;
    Cardboard packaging;
    Packaging boxes in collapsible form (cardboard);
    Packaging boxes in flat form (cardboard);
    Packaging boxes of cardboard;
    Mailing labels of paper or cardboard;
    Adhesive printed labels of paper;
    Coated paper for labels;
    Labels of paper;
    Labels of paper or cardboard;
    Labels of paper or cardboard (not magnetic or encoded) for use in marking products for identification;
    Advertising posters;
    Advertisement boards of cardboard;
    Individually designed printed brochures;

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