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B & E Group Pty Ltd


HWL Ebsworth Lawyers



NICE Classification

  • Aluminium foil being packaging materials;
    aluminium foils being wrapping materials;
    foils of metal for wrapping and packaging;
    metallic foil for packaging;
    packaging containers of paper, plastic and metal, metal predominating;
    sheets with an aluminium base for packaging purposes;
    stackable trays of metal for the packaging of materials;

NICE Classification

  • Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging;
    articles of cardboard for packaging;
    articles of paper for packaging;
    articles of plastic for use in packaging;
    biodegradable packaging;
    bags for packaging food for cooking;
    bags made of paper for packaging;
    bags made of plastics for packaging;
    bags of plastics for packaging food;
    boxes for packaging (card);
    boxes for packaging (cardboard);
    boxes for packaging (paper);
    bubble packs for packaging;
    cardboard materials for use in packaging;
    cardboard packaging;
    cling film plastics for packaging;
    compostable bags of paper or plastic for packaging;
    egg cartons (packaging) of paper or card;
    flexible plastic films for packaging;
    films of plastic for packaging foodstuffs;
    humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging;
    lining papers for packaging;
    materials for packaging (paper);
    materials for packaging (plastics);
    non-metallic foil for packaging;
    packaging bags of paper;
    packaging bags of plastic;
    packaging boxes in collapsible form (card);
    packaging boxes in collapsible form (cardboard);
    packaging boxes in flat form (cardboard);
    packaging boxes in flat form (card);
    packaging boxes of paper;
    packaging materials of card for use with food articles;
    packaging materials of paper for use with food articles;
    paperboard trays for packaging food;
    plastic film for packaging for food;
    sealable plastic bags for packaging;
    plastic bags for packaging;
    paper napkins;
    toilet paper;
    towels (paper) for kitchen use;
    paper towels;

NICE Classification

  • Boxes made of plastic materials for packaging;
    containers of plastics for packaging purposes;
    egg cartons (packaging) of plastic;
    egg containers (packaging) of plastic);
    packaging boxes in collapsible form (plastic);
    packaging boxes in flat form (plastic);
    packaging containers of plastic;
    plastic containers (packaging);
    plastic trays (containers) used in food packaging;
    stacking trays of plastic for the packaging of eggs;
    transparent food containers for commercial packaging use;

NICE Classification

  • Trays of paper;
    paper cups;
    plastic cups;
    cardboard cups;
    wooden and bamboo tableware;
    plates and trays for food handling purposes made from non-plastic materials;
    drinking straws;
    paper straws;
    biodegradable cups, bowls, plates, dishes and trays;
    plastic household containers;
    disposable lids for household containers;
    food storage containers;
    disposable cups, bowls, plates, dishes and trays;

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