Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 22.05.2033








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NICE Classification

  • Business research;
    database management services;
    registration of written communications and data;
    compilation and systemization of written communications and data;
    compilation of mathematical data;
    brokerage of name and address based lists, namely, providing commercial and business contact information;
    compilation of indexed addresses;
    provision of commercial information;
    data processing services;
    collection of commercial data;
    compilation of business data;
    computer file management;
    data processing, systemisation and management;
    provision of advice relating to business organisation and management;
    business analysis and information services, and market research.;

NICE Classification

  • Financial services;
    financial risk assessment services;
    research services relating to finance;
    financial research in the field of risk management;
    investment research;
    financial analysis;
    financial advice;
    financial risk management;
    risk management [financial];
    financial portfolio management;
    actuarial consulting and advisory services;
    actuarial services;
    advisory services relating to financial asset management;
    financial management advisory services;
    tax consultancy [not accounting];
    accounts receivables financing;
    debt advisory services;
    financial services, namely, debt settlement;
    financial services provided via the Internet;
    processing of payment transactions via the Internet;
    financial management services provided via the Internet;
    credit recovery;
    computerised financial data analysis;
    consultations relating to investment, credit, and corporate finance.;

NICE Classification

  • Software development;
    maintaining databases;
    developing computer software;
    providing search engines;
    providing internet search engines with specific search options;
    providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network;
    providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks;
    hosting of interactive applications;
    hosting websites;
    data security services;
    data encryption services;
    computer security services in the nature of administering digital certificates;
    creating programmes for data processing;
    consultancy in the field of computer security;
    authentication services;
    computer hardware development;
    development of systems for the transmission of data;
    design and development of data retrieval software;
    computer systems integration services;
    software as a service (SaaS);
    platform as a service (PaaS);
    cloud hosting provider services;
    blockchain as a services (BaaS);
    electronic data backup;
    hosting of digital content online;
    server hosting, software as a service [SaaS], and rental of software.;

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