
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Koherent Oy


Collison & Co



NICE Classification

  • Downloadable and recorded content;
    Measuring, detecting, monitoring and controlling devices;
    Navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices;
    Optical devices, enhancers and correctors;
    Scientific and laboratory devices for treatment using electricity;
    Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators;
    Information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices;
    Safety, security, protection and signalling devices;
    Media content;
    System and system support software, and firmware;
    Software for monitoring, analysing, controlling and running physical world operations;
    Application software;
    Artificial intelligence software for analysis;
    Web application and server software;
    Virtual and augmented reality software;
    Data and file management and database software;
    Media and publishing software;
    Simulation software;
    Office and business applications;
    Communication, networking and social networking software;
    Artificial intelligence and machine learning software;
    Navigation software;
    Software for the planning, integration and optimization of Smart City applications;
    Civil engineering software;
    Utility, security and cryptography software;
    Operating systems;
    Data processing equipment and accessories (electrical and mechanical);
    Communications equipment;
    Alarms and warning equipment;
    Access control devices;
    Protective and safety equipment;
    Sensors, detectors and monitoring instruments;
    Measuring devices;
    Controllers and regulators;
    Testing and quality control devices;
    Data loggers and recorders;
    Time measuring instruments (not including clocks and watches);
    Distance and dimension measuring instruments;
    Temperature measuring instruments;
    Speed measuring instruments;
    Weighing machines;
    Electricity measuring instruments;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising, marketing and promotional services;
    Business assistance, management and administrative services;
    Advertising, marketing and promotional consultancy, advisory and assistance services;
    Trade show and commercial exhibition services;
    Administrative support and data processing services;
    Business consultancy and advisory services;
    Data processing, systematisation and management;
    Business administration;
    Collection of data;
    Collecting information for business;
    Data processing;
    Compilation of information into computerised registers;
    Collating of data in computer databases;
    Computerised data processing;
    Business consultancy services relating to data processing;
    Business analysis and information services, and market research;
    Business management consultancy;

NICE Classification

  • Computer hardware and telecommunication apparatus installation, maintenance and repair;
    Building maintenance and repair;
    Extermination, disinfection and pest control;
    Excavation services, and extraction of natural resources;
    Building, construction and demolition;
    Rental of tools, plant and equipment for construction, demolition, cleaning and maintenance;
    Construction information;
    Prevention and correction of building settlement;
    Providing information relating to building demolition;
    Maintenance and repair of parts and fittings for buildings;
    Providing information relating to the construction, repair and maintenance of buildings;
    Plumbing maintenance advisory services;

NICE Classification

  • IT services;
    Design services;
    Testing, authentication and quality control;
    Science and technology services;
    IT consultancy, advisory and information services;
    IT security, protection and restoration;
    IT service management [ITSM];
    Data duplication and conversion services, data coding services;
    Rental of computer hardware and facilities;
    Computer hardware development;
    Software development, programming and implementation;
    Hosting services, software as a service, and rental of software;
    Creation of control programs for automated measurement, assembly, adjustment, and related visualisation;
    Design and development of navigation systems;
    Development and testing of software;
    Computer software design;
    Computer programming for data processing and communication systems;
    Provision of information relating to computer programming;
    Infrastructure as a Service [IaaS];
    Consulting services in the field of software as a service [SaaS];
    Cloud computing;
    Cloud hosting provider services;
    Platform as a service [PaaS] featuring software platforms for transmission of images, audio-visual content, video content and messages;
    Platform as a service [PaaS];
    Application service provider services;
    Rental of data processing programs;
    Rental of computer software and programs;
    Rental and maintenance of computer software;
    Software as a service [SaaS] services featuring software for machine learning, deep learning and deep neural networks;
    Software as a service [SaaS];
    Information technology [IT] consultancy;
    Consultancy services for analysing information systems;
    Architectural and urban planning services;
    Engineering services;
    Rental of science and technology equipment;
    Technical design;
    Computer assisted engineering design services;
    Telecommunications engineering;

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