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SRG Global Asset Care Pty Ltd


Elliptic Legal & Patent Services



NICE Classification

  • Measuring apparatus;
    material testing instruments and machines;
    computer programs for processing information;
    computer programs for scientific data analysis;
    information distribution programs;
    apparatus for gathering information;
    communication software;
    computer software for authorising access to databases;
    research instruments for scientific use;
    ultrasonic apparatus for scanning components for flaws;
    ultrasonic testing apparatus, other than for medical use;
    automatic inspection apparatus for industrial use;
    Business consultancy relating to risk and compliance management;
    business consultancy services relating to data processing;
    collection of data;
    computerised file management;
    updating and maintenance of information in registries;
    Advisory services for maintenance, fitness for service and remaining life of assets;
    provision of information in relation to the condition, repair, maintenance and installation of assets;
    condition monitoring of assets;
    maintenance and repair of industrial apparatus;
    machinery maintenance services;
    advisory services relating to the condition and repair of mechanical engineering structures;
    Scientific and technical analysis;
    providing information, including online, about industrial analysis and research services;
    technical data analysis services;
    technological engineering analysis;
    provision of information relating to scientific research;
    online provision of web-based software (non-downloadable);
    provision of engineering and technical reports;
    provision of testing facilities;
    laboratory services;
    technical inspection services;
    engineering surveys and inspections;
    inspection (testing) of apparatus;
    inspection of goods for quality control;
    preparation of reports relating to technical research;
    engineering surveys and inspections;
    industrial inspection;
    inspection (testing) of industrial installations;
    inspection (testing) of plant and machinery;
    data analysis, including analysis of sensor data;
    electronic data storage of documents;
    defect tracking analysis;
    defect trending analysis;
    assessment of assets for the purposes of detecting anomalies;
    assessment of assets for the purposes of describing and predicting the condition of the asset.;

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