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Amazon Technologies, Inc.


King & Wood Mallesons



NICE Classification

  • Downloadable or recorded computer software for facilitating wireless connection between computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cloud-based gaming servers;
    downloadable or recorded computer software for facilitating wireless connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices with cloud-based servers;
    downloadable or recorded software that connects game servers in the cloud with video game hardware and accessories, including headphones, headsets, computer mice, keyboards, game controllers, game consoles;
    video game hardware and accessories that connect to game servers in the cloud, including headphones, headsets, computer mice, keyboards, game controllers, game consoles;
    software for accessing, viewing, playing, managing, sharing, downloading, uploading, and providing electronic games and video games via the cloud;
    software for accessing cloud-based electronic games and video games;
    software for accessing cloud-based electronic gaming and video gaming subscription service;
    software for compressing and decompressing data and video images related to electronic games and video games;
    computer peripheral devices;
    downloadable or recorded computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices via wireless networks;
    computer hardware for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices to cloud servers;
    downloadable or recorded wireless communication software for voice, audio, video, and data transmission;
    downloadable computer software for use to connect and control computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices;
    home automation and home device integration software;
    downloadable computer software for the facilitation of communications and collaboration via computer networks, communication networks, web applications, and the Internet;

NICE Classification

  • Video game hardware and accessories that connect to game servers in the cloud, including computer mice, keyboards, game controllers, and game consoles;
    Video game hardware and accessories for facilitating connection to cloud-based gaming servers, including computer mice, keyboards, game controllers, and game consoles;
    video game consoles;
    video game controllers;
    video game machines;
    hand-held video game machines;
    electronic video game machines other than for television receivers;
    computer game hardware in the nature of computer game joysticks, computer gaming consoles for recreational game playing;
    controllers for game consoles;
    video game machines for use with televisions, mobile phones, tablets, and other electronic screens;
    gaming devices, including interactive electronic video game machines;

NICE Classification

  • Providing telecommunications services to connect computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud-based servers;
    providing telecommunications services to connect computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud-based gaming servers;
    providing telecommunications services to connect computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to the cloud;
    providing telecommunications connectivity services to connect computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    data transmission services;
    providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audiovisual, data, media and content;
    electronic streaming, transmission, and delivery of visual, audio, multimedia, and data content relating to video games and electronic games via the cloud;
    streaming and electronic transmission of digital media content via cloud-based computer networks;
    electronic transmission, transfer, delivery, communication, and streaming of electronic game and video game controller and game input data between the game controller and cloud-based game servers;
    electronic streaming, transmission, and delivery of visual, audio, and multimedia content relating to video games and electronic games via the internet or other communications network;
    electronic streaming, transmission, and delivery of visual, audio, and multimedia content relating to video games and electronic games provided through a subscription;
    telecommunication access services;
    delivery of messages by electronic transmission;
    telecommunication services, including electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded audio, video and multimedia content files via computer and other communications networks;
    electronic transmission of information and data;
    telecommunications services, including transmission of text, images, audio, and video, and data via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet;

NICE Classification

  • Software as a service (SAAS) featuring computer software that facilitates connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    Software as a service (SAAS) featuring computer software that facilitates connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud gaming servers;
    software as a service (SAAS) featuring computer software that facilitates connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to the cloud;
    software as a service (SAAS) featuring computer software that facilitates wired and wireless communication among computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices;
    software as a service (SaaS) featuring software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices via wireless network;
    application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices;
    application service provider (ASP) services featuring software that facilitates connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    Application service provider (ASP) featuring application programming interface (API) software for connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    providing temporary online non-downloadable computer software development tools for connectivity of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    technical support services, including troubleshooting of software and hardware problems relating to connectivity of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    providing online software that connects game servers in the cloud with video game hardware and accessories, including game controllers, keyboards, computer mice, headphones, headsets, game consoles;
    providing online software that facilitates connection of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to cloud servers;
    development of connectivity standards and specifications for computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices;
    testing of computer hardware, computer peripherals, gaming hardware and accessories, networked consumer electronic devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices for compliance with interoperability and interconnectivity standards and specifications;

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