Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 21.10.2005









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Rachel Wagner


Rachel Wagner



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News around "QPS" trademark

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Ashley Paul Griffith, 45, was arrested in August 2022 after allegedly sexually assaulting 91 young girls over 15 years. He has been charged with 1,623 child abuse offences - including rape and making child abuse material - with at least 23 of his alleged victims then aged between one and five. The genesis of Operation Tenterfield is linked to QPS locating alleged child abuse images and videos on the dark web in 2014.
Christine Thomas is the co-chair of the QPS First Nations advisory group. She says the group “holds great concern that little has changed’ since last year's inquiry. The inquiry found a “failure of leadership’ had allowed a culture of sexism, racism, fear and silence to take hold.
QPS announces four-year independent review into recruitment and retention of female, First Nations and culturally diverse police officers. Review is one of 78 recommendations made in last year's damning commission of inquiry into QPS responses to domestic and family violence. Report will be provided in late 2024 with recommendations.
Nathaniel Train breached the border while carrying weapons during a COVID-19 lockdown. Incident occurred nearly 12 months before the murders at Wieambilla. QPS and the coroner are investigating the killings by Nathaniel Train, his ex-wife Stacey and his brother Gareth.
Under a new labour agreement, the QPS has been given the green light to sponsor up to 500 new officers per year. The campaign has already attracted more than 5000 expressions from skilled police officers around the world. The most interest received from the UK, Canada and South Africa.
Indian-Origin Cop Fails to Get Back His Job After Brawl at Australia Strip Club Indian-origin police officer Tanvir Brar was kicked out of a strip club in Australia for unprofessional conduct in 2019. Queensland Industrial Relations Commission found this week that Brar’s dismissal from the Queensland Police Service (QPS) was reasonable.
Queensland's police minister has defended the service's response to a damning Commission of Inquiry report. The report condemned the police service's culture of misogyny, racism and sexism. It made 78 recommendations for reform within the QPS, 30 of which were to be delivered within three to six months. Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said the government has failed to meet any of the six-month deadlines.
Townsville Hospital says it will conduct a review into the treatment of an Australian Army veteran who was shot dead by police. Steven Angus, 52, was shot by police on Friday after allegedly "charging" at officers with knives. Police were attending reports that a man was threatening self-harm. The QPS wants to know why Mr Angus was discharged from hospital the day before the shooting.
Queensland police are bracing to strike out penalties handed to hundreds of officers. An appeal court ruling declared the QPS practice for launching disciplinary proceedings was invalid. The court decision, quietly published last month, has already prompted the agency to set up an "independent assessment committee" to review affected cases.
Queensland police are bracing to strike out penalties handed to hundreds of officers. An appeal court ruling declared the QPS practice for launching disciplinary proceedings was invalid. The court decision, quietly published last month, has already prompted the agency to set up an "independent assessment committee" to review affected cases.
Queensland police are bracing to strike out penalties handed to what could be hundreds of officers. An appeal court ruling declared the QPS practice for launching disciplinary proceedings was invalid. The court decision has already prompted the agency to set up an "independent assessment committee" to review affected cases.
Aubrey Donahue was shot by police in the town of Mareeba, west of Cairns, on March 25. Police alleged he had threatened the life of a young woman and advanced on officers of the Special Emergency Response Team with a knife. QPS says the audiovisual equipment worn by frontline officers was not suitable for the type of critical incidents faced by the SERT.
Aubrey Donahue was shot by police in the town of Mareeba, west of Cairns, on March 25. Police alleged he had threatened the life of a young woman and advanced on officers of the Special Emergency Response Team with a knife. QPS says the audiovisual equipment worn by frontline officers was not suitable for the type of critical incidents faced by the SERT.
The Queensland Police Service has been given the green light to recruit up to 500 foreign nationals a year for the next five years. The move follows a new labour agreement between the state and federal governments. The agreement allows the QPS to recruit international police officers without the requirement to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

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QPS 13