The Checkpoint Youth Clinic

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Grant Ferguson


Grant Ferguson



NICE Classification

  • Advisory services relating to health;
    Advisory services relating to mental health;
    Consultancy in the field of mental health care;
    Consultancy relating to health care;
    Health assessment services;
    Health care;
    Health care services provided by allied health professionals;
    Health center services;
    Health centre services;
    Health clinic services;
    Health counselling;
    Health risk assessment surveys;
    Health screening;
    Information services relating to health care;
    Mental health counselling;
    Mental health services;
    Mental health support services;
    Preparation of reports relating to health care matters;
    Provision of exercise facilities for health rehabilitation purposes;
    Provision of health care services;
    Provision of information relating to mental health;
    Rehabilitation services (health care);
    Rehabilitation services (mental health care);
    Health care consultancy services (medical);
    Medical health assessment services;
    Advisory services relating to medical problems;
    Advisory services relating to medical services;
    Alternative medical services;
    Arranging of medical treatment;
    Behavioural analysis for medical purposes;
    Conducting of medical examinations;
    Consultancy and advisory services in relation to medical services;
    Lifestyle counselling (medical advice);
    Medical advice for individuals with disabilities;
    Medical advisory services;
    Medical care services;
    Medical clinic services;
    Medical counselling;
    Medical equipment rental;
    Medical examination of individuals;
    Medical nursing;
    Medical screening;
    Medical services;
    Medical services for treatment of the skin;
    Nursing, medical;
    Paediatric medical services;
    Preparation of reports relating to medical matters;
    Providing information including online, about medical services, and veterinary services;
    Providing medical services for charitable purposes;
    Provision of medical assistance;
    Provision of medical information;
    Provision of medical services;
    Provision of medical treatment;
    Psychological testing for medical purposes;
    Remote monitoring of medical data for medical diagnosis and treatment;
    Rental of equipment for medical purposes;

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