Vapex Karma

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Vapex Media


Vapex Media



NICE Classification

  • Mobile phone cases;
    Mobile phone covers;
    Downloadable podcasts;
    Downloadable video files;
    Downloadable multimedia files containing video authenticated by non-fungible tokens [NFTs];
    Downloadable video files authenticated by non-fungible tokens [NFTs];
    Downloadable video recordings authenticated by non-fungible tokens [NFTs];
    Pre-recorded videos;
    Video recordings;

NICE Classification

  • Active wear;
    Casual shirts;
    Football jerseys;
    Football shirts;
    Sports jerseys;
    Printed t-shirts;
    Apparel (clothing, footwear, headgear);
    Athletic clothing;
    Men's clothing;
    Casual clothing;
    Boys' clothing;
    Children's clothing;
    Clothing for sports;

NICE Classification

  • Lead generation services;
    Promotion of goods through influencers;
    Promotional services;
    Sales promotion (for others);
    Sales promotion services;
    Influencer marketing;
    Marketing through product placement for others in virtual environments;
    Product marketing;
    Production of video recordings for marketing purposes;
    Promotional marketing;
    Social media marketing;
    Sponsorship (promotion and marketing services);
    Production of sound recordings for marketing purposes;
    Advertising agency services;
    Advertising and promotion of digital goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens [NFTs] for others;
    Advertising services provided over the internet;
    Advertising services to create brand identity for others;
    Placing advertisements (for others);
    Production of advertising material;
    Production of video recordings for advertising purposes;
    Promotion (advertising) of business;
    Promotional advertising services;
    Providing user reviews for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Providing user ratings for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Providing user rankings for commercial or advertising purposes;
    Production of sound recordings for advertising purposes;
    Electronic advertising services;
    Placing of advertisements;
    Production of visual advertising matter;
    Preparation of advertising material;
    Preparation of advertisements;
    Preparing of advertisements;

NICE Classification

  • Book publishing;
    Distribution (other than transportation) of videos;
    Electronic publication of information on a wide range of topics, including online and over a global computer network;
    Podcast entertainment;
    Production of audio entertainment;
    Production of entertainment videos;
    Production of podcasts;
    Providing online videos, not downloadable;
    Providing online images, not downloadable;
    Providing user reviews for entertainment or cultural purposes;
    Providing user ratings for entertainment or cultural purposes;
    Online publication of electronic books and journals;
    Publication of e-books;
    Publication of audio books;
    Publication of books;
    Publication of multimedia material online;
    Publishing of books;
    Video editing;
    Multimedia production, other than for advertising purposes;
    Production of audio recordings, other than advertising;
    Production of audio and/or video recordings, other than advertising;
    Production of video recordings, other than advertising;
    Production of webcasts, other than advertising;
    Video production services, other than advertising;
    Production of sound recordings, other than advertising;
    Entertainer services;
    Entertainment services;
    Entertainment services provided in online virtual environments;
    Entertainment services provided in virtual environments;
    Provision of entertainment services via an online forum;
    Provision of non-downloadable audio and video entertainment via electronic or digital transmission;
    Video entertainment services;
    Provision of non-downloadable audio and video entertainment via streaming services;
    Video game entertainment services;

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