Trademark Status LIVE
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Optus Satellite Network Pty Limited


Minter Ellison



NICE Classification

  • Satellite apparatus;
    satellite broadcasting apparatus, equipment and instruments;
    satellite telecommunications apparatus, equipment and instruments;
    satellite communications apparatus, equipment and instruments;
    satellite receiving apparatus;
    satellite transmitting apparatus;
    satellite apparatus for receiving and transmitting television or radio signals;
    satellite television signal descramblers and scramblers;
    electronic television satellite apparatus;
    satellites for signal transmission;
    satellites for communication purposes;
    apparatus for receiving satellite broadcast signals;
    portable apparatus for receiving satellite transmissions;
    portable communication terminals for use in connection with satellites;
    earth satellites for use in telecommunications;
    satellite earth stations;
    satellite dishes;
    satellite boxes being parts and fittings of satellite apparatus;
    set-top boxes (digital signal receivers);
    telecommunications and communications apparatus, equipment, installations, networks and systems;
    apparatus for recording, transmission, reproduction, reception, processing, retrieval, analysis, display and printing of sound, images and/or data;
    computer, data and local area networks including local area network (LAN);
    computer network apparatus and installations;
    network management apparatus;
    computer software and hardware for use in satellites, telecommunications and communications;
    data communication apparatus;
    digital apparatus;
    digital telecommunications apparatus;
    telephone apparatus and equipment;
    computer databases;
    downloadable software applications (apps);
    computer peripheral devices;
    data storage apparatus and equipment;
    modems including portable plug and play modems;
    modems for the delivery of high speed access to a global computer network;
    modems for use in connection with voice and multimedia services;
    self install modems;
    fixed wireless access network equipment;
    batteries and cables for modems;
    apparatus and equipment for transmission of data, text, broadband data interconnecting computer installations;
    high capacity broadband telecommunications switching apparatus;
    all associated parts, accessories and fittings in this class;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunications and communication services including by satellite;
    satellite transmission;
    satellite broadcasting services;
    television broadcasting services;
    satellite communications services;
    satellite telecommunications services;
    broadcast transmission by satellite;
    broadcasting of programmes by satellite, television and radio;
    broadcast of television and radio programmes;
    broadcasting or transmission of recorded messages and information;
    communication of information by satellite;
    transmission of sound, images or data by satellite;
    wireless communication services;
    broadband network services including portable, wireless broadband services;
    telecommunications services being voice over global computer network protocol (VOIP) telephony and local look provider services;
    transmission of data, text, sound and images;
    providing access to a global computer network;
    fixed wireless access network services;
    computer, digital and electronic network communication services including providing access to computer, digital and electronic networks;
    operating of electronic communications networks and local area networks;
    provision of user access to the internet;
    telecommunication and communication services to increase internet speed and connectivity;
    internet portal services (providing user access to a global computer network);
    providing telecommunication links and access to global computer networks or portal services;
    providing secure telecommunications connections and access to computers and global computer networks;
    rental of telecommunications, communication and satellite equipment;
    rental of local area networks;
    rental of access time to global computer networks;
    operation of satellite, telecommunications and communications apparatus, equipment and systems;
    delivery of music, video, data and information by means of wired or wireless broadband or electronic transmission;
    internet service provider (ISP) services;
    information, advisory and consultancy services in relation to the aforementioned services;

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