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WorkUp Pty Ltd


Wynnes Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys Pty Ltd



NICE Classification

  • Accounting apparatus;
    Animated cartoons;
    Application software;
    Application software for accessing financial information;
    Application software for financial management;
    Application software for financial reporting;
    Application software for use in processing data relating to financial records;
    Application software relating to financial matters;
    Arm bands (reflective) for protection against accident or injury;
    Audio recordings;
    Automated banking machines;
    Automated cash machines;
    Automated teller machines (ATM);
    Automated ticket printing apparatus;
    Bank cards being machine readable;
    Biometric identity cards;
    Calculator programmes;
    Communication software;
    Communications programmes;
    Computer programs for calculators;
    Computer programs for commercial transactions;
    Computer programs for financial management;
    Computer programs for financial reporting;
    Computer programs for managing conferences;
    Computer programs for managing exhibitions;
    Computer programs for managing seminars;
    Computer programs for planning conferences;
    Computer programs for planning exhibitions;
    Computer programs for planning seminars;
    Computer programs for project management;
    Computer programs for sales purposes;
    Computer programs for simulating the trading in futures and options;
    Computer programs for the management of sales;
    Computer programs for use in insurance;
    Computer programs for use in processing data relating to financial records;
    Computer programs recorded in computer accessible form;
    Computer programs relating to financial matters;
    Computer programs relating to housing management;
    Computer programs, downloadable;
    Computer software (programs);
    Computer software (recorded);
    Computer software applications (downloadable);
    Computer software designed to estimate costs;
    Computer software designed to estimate resource requirements;
    Computer software downloaded from the internet;
    Computer software for accounting systems;
    Computer software for analysing market information;
    Computer software for business purposes;
    Computer software for processing market information;
    Computer software products;
    Computer software programs;
    Counterfeit money detecting apparatus;
    Credit cards (encoded);
    Cryptocurrency exchange software;
    Cryptocurrency hardware wallets;
    Cryptocurrency wallets, downloadable;
    Cryptographic apparatus;
    Downloadable application software relating to financial matters;
    Downloadable apps being crypto wallets;
    Downloadable computer software for blockchain technology;
    Downloadable computer software for managing crypto asset transactions using blockchain technology;
    Downloadable computer software for financial management;
    Downloadable cryptographic keys for receiving and spending crypto assets;
    Downloadable digital certificates;
    Downloadable e-wallets;
    Downloadable image files;
    Downloadable podcasts;
    Downloadable software applications (apps);
    Downloadable video files;
    Downloadable webcasts;
    Education software;
    Electronic financial transaction apparatus;
    Encoded programs;
    Films bearing recorded educational material;
    Films bearing video recordings;
    Interactive computer software;
    Interactive education software;
    Machines for executing remote financial transactions;
    Multifunction cards (encoded) for financial services;
    Multifunction cards (magnetic) for financial services;
    Near field communication (NFC) apparatus;
    Near field communication (NFC) tags;
    Near-field communication (NFC) apparatus;
    Near-field communication (NFC) tags;
    Programs for computers;
    Recorded computer programs for financial research;
    Security tokens (encryption devices);
    Simulation software for use in digital computers;
    Technical literature in the form of computer programs;
    Value cards for financial purposes (machine readable or magnetic);
    Value cards for financial purposes (magnetic);
    Video recordings;
    Virtual assistant software.;

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