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Expiration 01.02.2032















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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Эрнис" (BY), 220004, г. Минск, ул. Раковская, д. 17А, каб. --.



NICE Classification

  • управление бизнесом;
  • организация бизнеса;
  • бизнес-администрирование; служба офисная; услуги по оптовой и розничной торговле непродовольственными товарами; услуги по оптовой и розничной торговле строительными товарами;
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  • лаками;
  • средствами защитными;
  • предохраняющими металлы от коррозии и древесину от разрушения;
  • веществами красящими;
  • покрытиями напольными;
  • стенными обоями и обивочными материалами;
  • окнами;
  • дверями;
  • орудиями и инструментами ручными;
  • мебелью;
  • мебельной фурнитурой;
  • зеркалами;
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  • утварью и посудой домашней и кухонной;
  • материалами для чистки и уборки;
  • текстилем и его заменителями;
  • шторами; услуги по оптовой и розничной торговле товарами 01-34 классов МКТУ;
  • в том числе через интернет-магазины; ведение автоматизированных баз данных; изучение рынка; маркетинг; демонстрация товаров; организация конкурсов;
  • фестивалей;
  • показов;
  • выставок;
  • торговых ярмарок и других мероприятий в коммерческих или рекламных целях; предоставление коммерческой информации и консультаций потребителям по вопросам выбора товаров и услуг; предоставление места для онлайн-продаж покупателям и продавцам товаров и услуг; предоставление торговых интернет-площадок покупателям и продавцам товаров и услуг; предоставление отзывов пользователей в коммерческих или рекламных целях; управление процессами обработки заказов товаров; услуги по сравнению цен; презентация товаров во всех медиасредствах с целью розничной продажи; продвижение продаж для третьих лиц; продвижение продаж для третьих лиц через интернет; прокат торговых стендов; прокат торговых стоек; аренда площадей для размещения рекламы; макетирование рекламы; обновление рекламных материалов; реклама; интернет-реклама; распространение рекламных материалов; реклама наружная; управление коммерческое лицензиями на товары и услуги для третьих лиц; услуги снабженческие для третьих лиц [закупка и обеспечение предпринимателей товарами];

NICE Classification

  • операции с недвижимостью; аренда недвижимого имущества; аренда торговых помещений [недвижимое имущество]; аренда помещений [недвижимое имущество] для использования в коммерческих целях; аренда офисов [недвижимое имущество]; управление недвижимостью; оценки финансовые стоимости ремонта; предоставление скидок через клубные карты для третьих лиц; услуги по составлению смет для оценки затрат;

NICE Classification

  • транспортировка; упаковка и хранение товаров; доставка товаров; доставка непродовольственных товаров покупателям от объектов розничной торговли; доставка товаров;
  • заказанных по почте; доставка товаров;
  • заказанных через интернет; экспресс-доставка товаров; услуги курьеров [доставка товаров]; расфасовка товаров; перевозка грузовым автотранспортом; переноска грузов; работы погрузочно-разгрузочные; предоставление информации по вопросам перевозок; аренда складов; услуги автостоянок; услуги транспортные; хранение товаров на складах; предоставление информации об услугах хранения;

NICE Classification

  • обработка материалов; обработка тканей;
  • текстильных изделий; обработка краев тканей; раскрой тканей; смешивание красок; распиловка материалов; строгание материалов; стегание материала; пошив штор; предоставление информации по вопросам обработки материалов;

NICE Classification

News around "PALACE" trademark

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'hurt' by Palace snub over Archie and Lilibet's titles, book claims. When King Charles ascended to the throne, his grandchildren were eligible for titles. But it took a full six months for this to be reflected on the official Royal Family website, whereas the new titles for the Prince and Princess of Wales' children George, Charlotte and Louis were updated much sooner.
Charles, 75, and Camilla, 76, hosted President South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon Hee for the white-tie dinner. Around 171 guests were in attendance at the banquet in the Palace's opulent ballroom.
The Royal Family is treading a very thin line. Denying something that has already been announced by the Sussexes could prove a communications disaster for the Palace.
Kate, 41, joined her husband Prince William, as well as the King and Queen, in welcoming Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon-hee at Buckingham Palace. Some 170 guests are expected to gather this evening in the opulent Palace ballroom.
The banquet is expected to be held in tomorrow evening, with 170 guests gathering for the white tie and tiara affair, in the opulent Palace ballroom. Charles and Camilla will be hosting Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife, Kim Keon Hee. It is the first incoming state visit since the King's coronation and the second of his reign.
The Royal Family needs a talented new producer/director to propel them into this new reign with grace and composure. The Palace needs to stop devising photo-ops to show our royals being chipper and jovial and down with the locals. We want them to look intelligent, interesting and empathetic.
Prince Harry rubbished claims that he rejected an invitation to his father's birthday. The Duke of Sussex was said to have been invited to Clarence House next week. However, a spokesperson for the Sussexes' claimed there never was an invitation sent, nor any contact made. Now a friend of the former royal couple has suggested that the Palace could have leaked the story to take attention away from the recent Royal visit to Kenya.
Prince Harry has spoken out against reports that he has declined an invitation to the King's 75th birthday celebrations next week. He claims to have received no communication about the party. Palace has insisted that the monarch is keen to reconcile with his youngest son but evidence suggests otherwise. Prince William is furious with his younger brother and has reportedly not spoken to him since his betrayal.
Queen Sofia was reportedly not invited to attend the Princess's ceremony. There were concerns from the Palace that the presence of her scandal-hit husband could overshadow the day. Leonor became crown princess when Felipe VI was proclaimed king on June 19, 2014.
Royal brothers had a huge fall out over Harry’s new wife, Meghan Markle. Harry documented the physical altercation he had with William in his book, Spare. Meghan allegedly left Kate in tears in the run up to her 2018 wedding. Palace aides claim the rift will never be healed.
Tom Quinn, author of Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family, shared behind-closed-doors conversations with Palace insiders. He said: "I've spoken to people who worked for both William and Kate when they were in England."
Manchester United have lost four of their first seven league games. Joachim Andersen's first-half goal for Palace inflicted the same fate on the current crop, which left the Old Trafford faithful booing at the end.
Roy Hodgson set his team up to frustrate, and Guehi and Andersen in particular were absolutely outstanding at the back. No way through them, defended deep and hit on the counter when they got the opportunity. Palace deserve all the credit.
Prince William doesn't need his wife, Princess Kate, at this year's Earthshot Prize, says royal historian Marlene Koenig. Palace announced on Friday that the Princess of Wales won't be joining her husband in Singapore in November. Prince George has exams that week and the royal wants to be at home to support him. It comes as Princess Kate was criticised for staying in the UK.
Roy Hodgson set his team up to frustrate, and Guehi and Andersen in particular were absolutely outstanding at the back. No way through them, defended deep and hit on the counter when they got the opportunity. Palace deserve all the credit.
The Princess of Wales was initially predicted to be absent from the event scheduled for 7 November. The Palace has confirmed the speculation, noting that Kate plans to stay back at their home in Windsor. Prince William confirmed he would be travelling to Singapore for the awards during the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit in New York City on 19 September.
Duke of Sussex has private security when in the UK, but he doesn't believe it's enough to protect him and his family. A former Palace aide agrees. Alex Bomberg says Harry should be afforded royalty protection.
Once kitsch accessories have made a comeback in a big way - with the likes of Justin Bieber, Post Malone and even fashion-house Palace lending their stamp of approval. Lidl is backing the hype by immortalising its best-selling items from the miscellaneous middle aisle as 3D charms.
Hodgson missed Palace’s 3-1 defeat to Aston Villa on Saturday after he was taken ill that morning. Palace confirmed that the 76-year-old, the oldest manager in Premier League history, had returned to work on Tuesday. But Olise looks set for an extended spell on the sidelines after a setback in his return from a hamstring injury.
Roy Hodgson will miss Crystal Palace's clash with Aston Villa through illness. Assistant manager Paddy McCarthy will fill in for the former England boss. Palace travel to Villa Park this afternoon looking to pick up their third win of the season.

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