Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 08.04.2013








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Budget Rent A Car System, Inc.


INTELS Patendibüroo OÜ Magasini tn --, 51005 Tartu linn, Tartu maakond, EE



NICE Classification

  • teadusaparaadid;
  • sõidukite rendikontorites kasutatav arvutitarkvara reserveeringute ja sõidukite jälgimiseks ning sõidukite, klientide ja renditehingute andmete säilitamiseks;
  • sõidukite rentimisega seotud salvestatud arvutitarkvara;
  • sõidukite rentimise või liisimise teenustega seotud mobiilse rakendusega alla laaditav tarkvara;
  • globaalne positsioneerimissüsteem (GPS);
  • sõidukite rentimise või liisimise teenustega seotud interaktiivsed arvutikioskid, mis sisaldavad arvuteid, arvutiriistvara, arvuti välisseadmeid ja arvuti operatsioonisüsteemitarkvara;
  • sõidukite navigatsiooniseadmed;

NICE Classification

  • sõidukid;
  • autod;
  • mootorsõidukid, nimelt autod, veoautod, furgoonid, pakiautod, sportmahtuniversaalid;

NICE Classification

  • pabertooted, mis ei kuulu teistesse klassidesse ja trükised;
  • reisimise, sõidukite rentimise, transpordiga seotud voldikud;
  • kalendrid;
  • reisiajakirjad;
  • sulepead, pastakad, pliiatsid;
  • maakaardid;
  • infolehed;

NICE Classification

  • reklaam ja äriteenused, nimelt ärijuhtimisabi, äriinfo-, äriteabeteenused, äritegevuse juhtimise ja korraldamise konsultatsioonid;
  • transpordi ja tarnimisega seotud ärijuhtimine;
  • püsiklienditeenused ja kliendiklubiteenused ärilistel, reklaami- ja/või turunduseesmärkidel;
  • ärijuhtimisabi pakkumine seoses sõidukite rentimis- ja liisinguhoonete rajamise ja/või opereerimisega;
  • mootorsõidukite on-line-jaemüügiteenused;
  • preemiaprogrammide pakkumine klientidele kliendipunktide väljastamise ja töötlemise kaudu ettevõtte kaupade ja teenuste on-line-ostmisel;
  • preemiaprogrammide pakkumine klientidele klienditalongide väljastamise ja töötlemise kaudu sagedasteks ostudeks osalusärides;
  • transpordidokumentatsiooni pakkumine teistele;
  • mootorsõidukite jaemüügiteenused;
  • autoabiteenused hädaolukorras, nimelt maanteeabi kutsetele telefonivastamisteenused;
  • klientidele mõeldud klubiliikmeteenused, mis seisnevad sagedase rentniku programmide kaudu juurdepääsu võimaldamises reserveerimisele ja sõidukite rentimisele ning majutusele, juurdepääsus allahindlustele, kiiremale reserveerimisele ja rentimisele ning juurdepääsus lisahüvitistele ja eripakkumistele;

NICE Classification

  • finantsteenused;
  • maksedokumentide pakkumine transpordikulude lunastamiseks;
  • kindlustusteenused, nimelt mootorsõidukite kindlustuslepingute sõlmimine;

NICE Classification

  • remonditeenused;
  • autoabiteenused hädaolukorras, nimelt maanteeabi kutsetele reageerimine (mootorsõidukite hooldus- ja remonditeenused), maanteeabi kutsete peale purunenud rehvi vahetamine, kütuse tarnimine hädaolukorras ja akukäivitusabi;

NICE Classification

  • transport ja laoteenused;
  • huvireiside korraldamine;
  • bussitransport;
  • autorent;
  • autotransport;
  • üksikisikute ja gruppide reisikorralduste koordineerimine;
  • autoabiteenused hädaolukorras, nimelt pukseerimis-, vintsimisteenused ja võtmete kohale-, kättetoimetamiseteenused;
  • mootorsõidukite liisimine;
  • autode liisimine;
  • veoautode liisimine;
  • sõidukite liisimine;
  • transpordireserveeringute ja -broneeringute tegemine;
  • transpordi on-line-reserveerimisteenused;
  • reisiteabe pakkumine;
  • rendiauto reserveerimine;
  • kolimiskaubikute rentimine;
  • GPS-seadmete rentimine navigatsiooni eesmärkidel;
  • veoautode rentimine;
  • sõidukite rentimine;
  • reisijate vedu;
  • transpordialane konsultatsioon, nõustamine;
  • transporditeave;
  • reisibürooteenused, nimelt transpordireserveeringute ja -broneeringute tegemine;
  • transpordi reserveerimise teenused;
  • reisimarsruudi planeerimine;

NICE Classification

  • haridus ja meelelahutus;

NICE Classification

  • arvutiprogrammide koostamine;
  • arvutite rentimine, laenutus;
  • kasutajatel reisi broneerimist võimaldava tehnoloogiaga veebisaitide majutamine, hostimine;

News around "BUDGET" trademark

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The Autumn Statement is the Chancellor's main opportunity outside of the Budget to make tax and spending announcements. Mr Hunt is using the statement to introduce changes aimed at reviving both the UK’s struggling economy and the Tories’ election chances.
It’s worth checking car hire companies’ overseas websites to see if the rates are better. The price for a Toyota Camry Hybrid at Sydney Airport from Budget for May 3 to May 24 is the same whether I book through Budget's US website or than their Australian website. There is no hard and fast rule that tells you whether it's better to book using the car hire operator's website in the country where you're going.
It’s worth checking car hire companies’ overseas websites to see if the rates are better. The price for a Toyota Camry Hybrid at Sydney Airport from Budget for May 3 to May 24 is the same whether I book through Budget's US website or than their Australian website. There is no hard and fast rule that tells you whether it's better to book using the car hire operator's website in the country where you're going.
The request is part of a set of Budget recommendations from the Association of Private Airport Operators. Wine and spirits are ranked third in terms of sales at duty-free shops, according to a market research firm.
The request is part of a set of Budget recommendations from the Association of Private Airport Operators. “Duty-free operators should be allowed to sell domestic Indian liquor at departures tax-free. This should be treated as exports," the recommendation reads.
Spain's re-elected Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is likely to maintain his senior ministers in their posts. Economy Minister Nadia Calvino, Energy Minister Teresa Ribera, Budget Minister Maria Jesus Montero and Labour Minister Yolanda Diaz are likely to keep their jobs. Sanchez will maintain ministerial numbers at 22, and offer five posts to Sumar.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is expected to address changes to welfare benefits. Mr Hunt has been finalising the Budget and DWP shake-up this weekend. DWP has shared a notice confirming the new figures will be published on Wednesday.
Chancellor is said to be mulling over deep cuts to inheritance tax in the Budget. Mr Hunt told the Telegraph that the economy had “turned a corner” But Adam Corlett, the principal economist at the Resolution Foundation, said any pre-election tax cuts would effectively be funded by higher taxes on incomes.
The provisional figures of direct tax collections were up to October 9. This collection, according to the CBDT, is 52.50 per cent of the total Budget estimates of direct taxes for for the nancial year 2023-24.
The Budget and Foreign Affairs committees of the European Parliament have approved the proposal to establish a EUR 50 billion ($52.7 billion) Ukraine Facility aid fund for 2024-2027. Of the committee members, 86 voted in favor of creating the fund, six against, and two abstained.
The district has secured $250,000 through the Ministry for Primary Industries. The funding is part of a $35.4 million package announced in the Budget earlier this year to support rural communities affected by North Island weather events. An amount of $1m has already been secured from the fund for urgent maintenance and resilience work on affected farms.
The Pacific Islands Forum said Biden had promised funding for climate change, fishing disputes, and maritime security. The Budget also proposed more than US$7 billion over 20 years to extend the Compact of Free Association (COFA) deals.
National leader Christopher Luxon has released his party’s fiscal plan, which lays out how he expects to pay for promises made on the campaign trail. He forecast a surplus of $2.9 billion in Budget 2026, which was $0.8 billion above Labour's forecast.
British Columbia's projected deficit in the 2023-2024 fiscal year has grown by more than $2 billion from original estimates to reach almost $7 billion. The new projection comes as Finance Minister Katrine Conroy releases the province’s first-quarterly report. The latest update says wildfire expenses are $762 million more than planned for in Budget 2023.
The government has eased some of the provisions of the angel tax introduced in this year’s Budget. It has introduced five different valuation methods for shares and offered a 10% tolerance for deviations from the accepted share valuations.
Government has eased some of the provisions of the angel tax introduced in this year’s Budget. It has introduced five different valuation methods for shares and offered a 10% tolerance for deviations from the accepted share valuations.
The Crime Branch is probing the pandemonium and destruction of public property on Budget presentation day during the previous Oommen Chandy government on March 13, 2015. The report purportedly mentions that the agency has sought the permission of the State Police Chief to investigate two former United Democratic Front legislators. The case has provenance in the LDF’s political decision to prevent the then Finance Minister K. M. Mani from presenting the Budget.
The bronze sculpture depicting a cross-legged Buddha was swiped from the Barakat Gallery in Beverly Grove around 3.45 am on September 18. The 250-pound artifact dates back to Japan’s Edo Period, spanning 1603 to 1867, and was believed to have been commissioned for the centerpiece of a temple. Footage captured the moment a Budget moving truck pulled up to the driveway gate. The hoodie-wearing driver stepped out, busted open the gate and scurried past the cameras on his way into the gallery. Using a dolly, he moved the statue into truck.
The bronze sculpture depicting a cross-legged Buddha was swiped from the Barakat Gallery in Beverly Grove around 3.45 am on September 18. The 250-pound artifact dates back to Japan’s Edo Period, spanning 1603 to 1867, and was believed to have been commissioned for the centerpiece of a temple. Footage captured the moment a Budget moving truck pulled up to the driveway gate. The hoodie-wearing driver stepped out, busted open the gate and scurried past the cameras on his way into the gallery. Using a dolly, he moved the statue into truck.
Lana Hart is a Christchurch-based writer, broadcaster and tutor. She says healthcare workers argue for more pay, lower carer-patient ratios, and better working conditions. The Budget made no mention of an investment in frontline healthcare staff.

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