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"АРМАТЕК" ЕООД, BG, (EPOID: 1446546)



NICE Classification

  • Business management of restaurants;
    Restaurant management for others;
    Marketing services in the field of restaurants;
    Business advisory services relating to the running of restaurants;
    Business advice relating to restaurant franchising;
    Business advisory services relating to the setting up of restaurants;
    Business management assistance in the establishment and operation of restaurants;
    Online ordering services in the field of restaurant take-out and delivery;
    Provision of commercial information;
    Business management assistance in the operation of restaurants;
    Online advertising on a computer network;
    Advertising particularly services for the promotion of goods;
    Business management of wholesale and retail outlets;
    Retail services relating to food;
    Retail services in relation to foodstuffs;
    Unmanned retail store services relating to food;
    Retail services via global computer networks related to foodstuffs;
    Business management organisation;
    Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services;
    Publication of printed matter for advertising purposes in electronic form;
    Commercial assistance in business management;
    Mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others;
    Mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods;
    Distribution of advertising material;
    Dissemination of advertising material [leaflets, brochure and printed matter];
    Publication of publicity materials;
    Customer club services, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes;
    On-line promotion of computer networks and websites;
    Provision of business information via global computer networks.;

NICE Classification

  • Services for providing food and drink;
    Restaurant services;
    Serving food and drink in restaurants and bars;
    Providing food and drink in restaurants and bars;
    Delicatessens [restaurants];
    Information, advice and reservation services for the provision of food and drink;
    Reservation services for booking meals;
    Making reservations and bookings for restaurants and meals;
    Cocktail lounge buffets;
    Grill restaurants;
    Tea rooms;
    Club services for the provision of food and drink;
    Providing food and drink in bistros;
    Providing food and drink for guests in restaurants;
    Preparation of meals;
    Preparation and provision of food and drink for immediate consumption;
    Serving of alcoholic beverages;
    Serving food and drinks;
    Serving food and drink for guests in restaurants;
    Cocktail lounge services;
    Services for providing food;
    Services for providing drink;
    Services for the preparation of food and drink;
    Take-away restaurant services;
    Fast-food restaurant services;
    Food preparation services;
    Hospitality services [food and drink];
    Food and drink catering;
    Booking of restaurant seats;
    Pizza parlors;
    Arranging of wedding receptions [food and drink];
    Serving food and drink for guests;
    Providing food and drink for guests;
    Consultancy services in the field of food and drink catering;
    Ice cream parlour services;
    Café services;
    Wine bar services;
    Bar services;
    Salad bars;
    Juice bars;
    Snack-bar services.;

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