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Point Twelve Energy GmbH, DE, (EPOID: 1453965)



NICE Classification

  • Software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    application software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    software applications for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Web server software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    computer application software for use in implementing the Internet of Things [IoT] in the field of certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    measuring devices, electric for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Apparatus for measuring, monitoring and analyzing electricity consumption in the field of certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Air measuring apparatus for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Air pollution measuring devices for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    mobile apps for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates.;

NICE Classification

  • Software as a service [SAAS] for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Consulting services in the field of software as a service [SaaS] for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Platform as a Service [PaaS] for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Design and development of computer software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Installation of computer software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Maintenance of computer software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Updating of computer software for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Advisory and consultancy services relating to the design and development of computer hardware in the field of certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods of others for the purpose of certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates;
    Provision of information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting;
    Quality control of green or low-carbon hydrogen for certification purposes;
    green or low-carbon hydrogen quality testing for certification purposes;
    green or low-carbon hydrogen testing services for quality or standards certification;
    green or low-carbon hydrogen quality audits;
    testing of green or low-carbon hydrogen produced or distributed by third parties for certification purposes;
    Consulting services for certification and verification of green production, quantifying carbon emissions and obtaining low-carbon certificates.;

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