Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Voodoo SAS, FR, (EPOID: 1451466)



NICE Classification

  • Downloadable interactive entertainment software for playing video games;
    Interactive entertainment computer software for video games;
    Computer video game software;
    Video games programs [computer software];
    Downloadable video game software;
    Video games software;
    Video game computer programs;
    Software programs for video games;
    Electronic game programs;
    Electronic game software;
    Downloadable computer game software;
    Downloadable video game programs;
    Interactive video game programs;
    Computer application software for mobile phones;
    Downloadable software applications for mobile phones;
    Application software for mobile phones;
    Video game programs;
    Games software for use with video game consoles;
    Electronic publications, downloadable, relating to games and gaming;
    Computer application software featuring games and gaming;
    Downloadable computer games;
    Downloadable electronic games;
    Computer game software for use with on-line interactive games;
    Downloadable game software;
    Games software.;

NICE Classification

  • Electronic games;
    Handheld electronic games;
    Video game machines for use with televisions;
    Video output game machines for use with televisions;
    Electronic games other than those adapted for use with television receivers only.;

NICE Classification

  • Publishing of interactive computer and video game software;
    Computer and video game amusement services;
    Providing online information on computer and video game strategies;
    Electronic games services, including provision of computer games on-line or by means of a global computer network;
    Electronic games services provided from a computer database or by means of the internet;
    Electronic games services provided by means of the internet;
    Game services provided online from a computer network;
    Entertainment services;
    Online entertainment services;
    Providing on-line interactive computer games;
    Providing information on-line relating to computer games and computer enhancements for games;
    Interactive computer game services;
    Provision of online computer games.;

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