Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Broadwick Street Holdings Ltd, GB, (EPOID: 1452419)



NICE Classification

  • Services for the preparation of food and drink;
    temporary accommodation;
    accommodation bureau services [hotels, boarding houses];
    hotel services;
    hotel information;
    bar and catering services;
    providing information about bartending;
    preparation of meals;
    catering for the provision of food and drink;
    provision of information relating to the preparation of food and drink;
    cafe services;
    cafeteria services;
    catering services including mobile catering services and catering services provided online from a computer database or from the Internet;
    bed and breakfast services;
    provision of guesthouse accommodation;
    reservation services and bookings services for hotels and temporary accommodation;
    reservation services for booking meals;
    operating membership accommodation;
    club services for the provision of food and drink;
    consultancy services relating to food;
    consultancy services relating to food preparation;
    juice bars;
    juice bars and cafes located in health clubs;
    day-nurseries [crèches];
    rental of meeting rooms;
    restaurant services;
    self-service restaurant services;
    banqueting services;
    bar, public house, snack bar, wine bar, wine club services, sandwich bar, cafeteria, canteen and café services;
    cocktail lounge services;
    take away services;
    fast-food restaurant services;
    providing facilities for conducting conferences, meetings, banquets, seminars, receptions, parties, and shows;
    rental of chairs, tables, table linen, and glassware;
    advisory and information services relating to the selection, preparation and serving of food and beverages;
    providing information and exchange of information in relation to foods, alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic beverages including by way of the Internet;
    club dining services;
    event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities;
    hire of temporary office space;
    temporary room hire;
    temporary accommodation reservations;
    provision of temporary work accommodation;
    the provision of facilities for conferences;
    hospitality services [accommodation];
    corporate hospitality [provision of food and drink];
    providing temporary accommodation as part of hospitality packages;
    information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services.;

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