deutsche apotheker und ärztebank
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 04.08.2026








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Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG, DE, (EPOID: 116373)



NICE Classification

  • Computer software.;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising;
    business management services;
    business consultancy;
    business administration, in particular management of business interests for others (supervision, management and monitoring);
    office functions, commercial, organisational and professional business consultancy and support, in particular for chemists, doctors, dentists and veterinary surgeons and other members of the medical profession and professional organisations relating thereto.;

NICE Classification

  • Insurance;
    financial management;
    financial affairs, in particular financial consultancy for chemists, doctors, dentists and veterinary surgeons and other members of the medical profession with regard to financing offices and practices, and for professional organisations;
    financial management of foreign business interests, deposit banking, credit consultancy, credit bureaux;
    monetary affairs;
    banking, in particular including online banking, telebanking;
    real estate affairs, real estate and mortgage brokerage, building society investments;
    including all the aforesaid services via the Internet;
    providing of a database for financial and economic data.;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunications;
    online services, namely operating chatlines, forums and financial portals;
    internet-related services, namely providing access to texts, graphics, audiovisual and multimedia information, documents, databases and computer programs;
    leasing access time to a computer database.;

NICE Classification

  • Education and training;
    sporting and cultural activities, including organisation of sports competitions;
    arranging and conducting of conferences, training and further training, discussion and lecture events and seminars, and of workshops and symposiums.;

NICE Classification

  • Technological services;
    computer programming;
    design and programming of webpages;
    providing software on demand on the Internet;
    computer consultancy, software design, updating and maintenance, rental of computer software;
    creating homepages for others;
    computer programming for others, in particular in connection with stock exchange and financial services;
    services in connection with electronic information systems, namely providing a platform for e-commerce and e-business.;

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