Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Fourdev Software Limited, CY, (EPOID: 1378290)



NICE Classification

  • Application software;
    Software applications;
    Downloadable application software;
    Business application software;
    Workflow applications;
    Downloadable mobile applications for the management of information;
    Web application software;
    Mobile apps;
    Workflow software;
    Computer programs;
    Computer games;
    Game software;
    Games software;
    Gaming software;
    Communications networks.;

NICE Classification

  • Software development;
    Development of software;
    Development of computer hardware and software;
    Development of computer software application solutions;
    Development and design of mobile applications;
    Development services relating to computer software application solutions;
    Platform as a Service [PaaS];
    Providing online, non-downloadable software;
    Providing temporary use of web-based applications;
    Consultancy and information services relating to information technology;
    Information services relating to information technology;
    Information technology [IT] consultancy;
    Advice and development services relating to computer software;
    Advisory and information services relating to computer software;
    Computer programming and software design;
    Computer website design;
    Consultancy relating to software design and development;
    Creating and designing web pages for others;
    Creating of computer programs;
    Creating web pages for others;
    Custom design of software packages;
    Customized design of computer software;
    Design and creating web sites for others;
    Design and writing of computer software;
    Design services for computer programs;
    Designing and developing webpages on the internet;
    Designing computer codes;
    Development and testing of software;
    Diagnosis of faults in computer software;
    Homepage and webpage design;
    Professional advisory services relating to computer software;
    Consultation services relating to computer software;
    Technical advisory services relating to computer programs;
    Technological advisory services relating to computer programs;
    Advisory services relating to computer software design;
    Advisory services relating to computer software;
    Development services relating to computer programmes;
    Design services relating to computer programmes;
    Consultancy services relating to information technology;
    Consultancy services relating to computers;
    Consultancy services relating to design;
    Consultancy services relating to architecture;
    Providing information in the field of computer software development;
    Providing information in the field of computer software design;
    Providing information, advice and consultancy services in the field of computer software;
    Technical consultancy services relating to computer programming;
    Professional consultancy services relating to computer programming;
    Consultancy services relating to computer programming;
    Consultancy and information services relating to computer programming;
    Consultancy and information services relating to the design, programming and maintenance of computer software;
    Research and consultancy services relating to computer software;
    Consultancy and information services relating to computer software design;
    Technical support services relating to computer software and applications;
    Consulting services relating to computer software;
    Technical consultancy services relating to information technology;
    Testing of computer software;
    Updating and upgrading of computer software;
    Web site design and creation services;
    Web site design services;
    Web site design consultancy;
    Quality control for others;
    Quality control;
    Quality control testing;
    Consultancy relating to quality control;
    Quality control relating to computer software;
    Research and development services.;

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