ENGIE Être utile aux hommes
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 08.06.2025








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ENGIE, FR, (EPOID: 341013)



NICE Classification

  • Fuel;
    combustible compositions;
    Natural gas;
    Gas for lighting;
    Fuel gas, In particular biogas;
    Vaporized fuel mixtures;
    Natural gas for vehicles, Electrical energy;
    Gaseous or liquefied petroleum gas;
    Lighting fuel.;

NICE Classification

  • Generation of electrical energy;
    Production of energy using renewable energy sources, in particular thermal, climatic, geothermal, wind, solar, hydraulic or biomass energy;
    Rental of energy generators;
    Treatment of biomass for energy production;
    Information relating to the treatment of biomass and energy production installations;
    The processing of natural gas and liquefied gas;
    Liquefaction and re-gasification of natural gas;
    Information and consultancy in the aforesaid fields;
    Sorting and recycling of waste and recovered raw materials for producing energy.;

NICE Classification

  • Engineering and technical analysis, research and expertise in the field of energy;
    Design, maintenance, Updating and installation of computer software in the fields of energy and sustainable development;
    Technical and engineering consultancy relating to installations for the production, storage, distribution and supply of energy;
    Petroleum and natural gas prospecting;
    Drafting of construction plans in the field of energy, in particular for gas-burner terminals, gas transport networks and installations for the storage of natural gas;
    Surveys (geological- ), Research and development of new products in the field of energy for others;
    Technical advice and engineering consultancy for the management of industrial installations operated using all kinds of energy, management of installations for the storage of natural gas and networks for the distribution and supply of gas or electricity;
    Industrial and technical research and analysis (technical project studies), relating to home automation equipment and smart networks (energy supply networks using information technology to enhance the adequacy of supply and demand of energy);
    Quality control consisting of technical reports on installations, measures and progress;
    Technical studies and analysis and diagnostics (engineering) for the setting up of installations for the supply and/or production and/or distribution of energy, namely electricity, gas, heat and water;
    Studies, research and surveying in the fields of energy, the environment and sustainable development;
    Technical consultancy and information relating to energy and the control thereof;
    Technical information and consultancy relating to installations operating with the assistance of energy of all kinds;
    Technical expertise relating to the generation of electrical, wind, solar, hydraulic, geothermal, thermal, climatic and renewable energy.;

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