Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 22.06.2033








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Euroaptieka, SIA, LV, (EPOID: 1417471)



NICE Classification

  • Pharmaceutical preparations;
    Pharmaceutical preparations and substances;
    Pharmaceuticals and natural remedies;
    Disinfectants and antiseptics;
    Sanitary preparations and articles;
    Medical dressings, coverings and applicators;
    Pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use;
    Diagnostic preparations and materials;
    Vitamin preparations;
    Dietary supplements for animals;
    Dietary supplements and dietetic preparations;
    Food for babies;
    Absorbent articles for personal hygiene;
    Nappies for babies and incontinents;
    Medicated skin creams;
    Medicated skin lotions;
    Vaccines against flu;
    Dental preparations and articles, and medicated dentifrices;
    Medicated dentifrices.;

NICE Classification

  • Loyalty, incentive and bonus program services;
    Sales promotion;
    Product demonstrations and product display services;
    Administrative order processing;
    Retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies;
    Wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies;
    Retail services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies;
    Wholesale services in relation to medical apparatus;
    Wholesale services in relation to medical instruments;
    Retail services in relation to medical apparatus;
    Retail services in relation to medical instruments;
    Retail services relating to fruit;
    Wholesale services in relation to dietary supplements;
    Retail services in relation to dietary supplements;
    Wholesale services in relation to hygienic implements for humans;
    Retail services in relation to hygienic implements for humans;
    Retail services in relation to hygienic implements for animals;
    Wholesale services in relation to hygienic implements for animals;
    Wholesale services in relation to animal grooming preparations;
    Retail services in relation to animal grooming preparations;
    Retail services relating to food;
    Retail services in relation to foodstuffs;
    Retail services in relation to non-alcoholic beverages;
    Sales administration;
    Administration of sales and promotional incentive schemes;
    Internet marketing;
    On-line advertising and marketing services;
    Provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services;
    Mail order retail services for cosmetics;
    Online retail services relating to cosmetics;
    Online retail store services relating to cosmetic and beauty products;
    Business consultancy and advisory services.;

NICE Classification

  • Pharmacy advice;
    Provision of pharmaceutical information;
    Preparation of prescriptions by pharmacists;
    Medical services;
    Pharmaceutical advice;
    Skin care salons;
    Consultation services relating to skin care;
    Health counselling;
    Health screening;
    Health centre services;
    Human healthcare services;
    Vaccination services;
    Therapy services;
    Opticians' services;
    Preparation of prescriptions in pharmacies;
    Telemedicine services;
    Human hygiene and beauty care;
    Beauty consultancy;
    Services for the testing of blood;
    Rental of equipment for human hygiene and beauty care;
    Consultancy services relating to cosmetics.;

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