EUROPA FLORECE ¡Planta vida!
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 05.04.2031








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Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas vivas (FEPEX), ES, (EPOID: 1187877)



NICE Classification

  • Foodstuffs and fodder for animals;
    Live animals, organisms for breeding;
    Bait, not artificial;
    Agricultural and aquacultural crops, horticulture and forestry products;
    Bedding and litter for animals.;

NICE Classification

  • Advertising, marketing and promotional services;
    Business assistance, management and administrative services;
    Subscriptions to telecommunications database services;
    Sales administration;
    Procuring of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods;
    Procurement of goods on behalf of other businesses;
    Advisory services relating to commercial transactions;
    Purchasing of goods and services for other businesses;
    Consultancy relating to costing of sales orders;
    Consulting in sales techniques and sales programmes;
    Administrative processing of purchase orders within the framework of services provided by mail-order companies;
    Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop];
    Information about sales methods;
    Product sales rankings information;
    Management on behalf of industrial and commercial enterprises in terms of supplying them with office requisites;
    Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others;
    Rental of sales stands;
    Retail services relating to flowers;
    Retail services in relation to gardening products;
    Wholesale services in relation to information technology equipment;
    Wholesale services in relation to non-alcoholic beverages;
    Retail services in relation to chemicals for use in agriculture;
    Retail services in relation to chemicals for use in horticulture;
    Retail services in relation to chemicals for use in forestry;
    Retail services in relation to gardening articles;
    Retail services in relation to animal grooming preparations;
    Retail services in relation to water supply equipment;
    Retail services in relation to agricultural equipment;
    Retail services in relation to horticulture products;
    Retail services in relation to foodstuffs;
    Wholesale services in relation to chemicals for use in horticulture;
    Wholesale services in relation to chemicals for use in agriculture;
    Wholesale services in relation to agricultural equipment;
    Wholesale services in relation to horticulture products;
    Retail services relating to horticultural products;
    Retail services relating to horticultural equipment;
    Retail services connected with the sale of subscription boxes containing food;
    Retail services in relation to horticulture equipment;
    Wholesale services in relation to foodstuffs;
    Retail services relating to food preparation implements;
    Wholesale services in relation to horticulture equipment;
    Wholesale services relating to flowers;
    Retail services relating to fruit;
    Retail services relating to food;
    Carrying out auction sales;
    Conducting interactive virtual auctions;
    Arranging of auctions;
    Organisation of internet auctions.;

NICE Classification

  • Education, entertainment and sport services;
    Publishing, reporting, and writing of texts;
    Ticket reservation and booking services for education, entertainment and sports activities and events;
    Translation and interpretation;
    Education, entertainment and sports.;

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