GI GENOΜΕ ILLUSTRATION Πρότυπο Διαγνωστικό Εργαστήριο Γενετικής & Μοριακής Βιολογίας
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 29.11.2031









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NICE Classification

  • Services for molecular genetic research;
    Services for cytogenetic research;
    genomic research services, Research services in genomics;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Reproductive genetics;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, (oncogenetics) cancer genetics;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Pharmacogenomics;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Molecular microbiology;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Predictive genetics;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Genetic identification;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Clinical genetics;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Low fertility genetic testing and recurrent miscarriages/recurrent pregnancy losses;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS);
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Genetic diseases and syndromes;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Hereditary and predisposing markers;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Genetic markers of cancer;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Molecular testing for infections;
    Research services, Relating to the following field, Genetic markers for DNA paternity testing.;

NICE Classification

  • Tests, in relation to the following fields, Molecular genetics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Cytogenetics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Genomics or genomics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Reproductive genetics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, (oncogenetics) cancer genetics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Pharmacogenomics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Molecular microbiology;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Predictive genetics;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Genetic identification;
    Tests, in relation to the following fields, Clinical genetics;
    Counselling, in relation to the following fields, Genetics;
    Genetic testing, in relation to the following fields, Low infertility and miscarriages;
    controlling, in relation to the following fields, Prenatal genetics;
    Genetic disease testing, in relation to the following fields, Diseases and syndromes;
    controlling, in relation to the following fields, Hereditary and predisposing markers;
    controlling, in relation to the following fields, Genetic markers of cancer;
    Molecular testing for infections;
    Genetic markers for DNA paternity testing;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Molecular genetics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Cytogenetics;
    Counselling services relating to genomics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Reproductive genetics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, (oncogenetics) cancer genetics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Pharmacogenomics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Molecular microbiology;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Predictive genetics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Genetic identification;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Clinical genetics;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Genetic tests for low fertility and spontaneous miscarriages;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, prenatal genetic testing;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Genetic disease and syndrome testing;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Hereditary and predisposition marker testing;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Genetic markers of cancer;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Molecular testing for infections;
    Counselling services, in relation to the following fields, Genetic markers for DNA paternity testing.;

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