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Schneider, Johanna, DE, (EPOID: 1356265)



NICE Classification

  • Animal grooming preparations.;

NICE Classification

  • Wood for use as fuel.;

NICE Classification

  • Meat;
    Meat and meat products;
    Soups and stocks, meat extracts;
    Meat substitutes;
    Dairy products and dairy substitutes;
    Jellies, jams, compotes, fruit and vegetable spreads;
    Nut-based spreads;
    Cheese-based snack foods;
    Sweet corn-based snack foods;
    Snack foods based on vegetables;
    Coconut-based snacks;
    Potato-based snack foods;
    Snack foods based on nuts;
    Nut-based snack foods;
    Dried fruit-based snacks;
    Dried fruit;
    Milk-based snacks;
    Meat-based snack food;
    Fish-based snack food;
    Tofu-based snacks;
    Snacks of edible seaweed;
    Prepared meals made from fish substitutes;
    Prepared meals made from seafood substitutes;
    Vegetable-based prepared meals for toddlers;
    Prepared meat dishes;
    Prepared vegetable dishes;
    Prepared meals containing [principally] eggs;
    Prepared dishes consisting principally of meat;
    Ready cooked meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of meat;
    Prepared meals containing [principally] chicken;
    Prepared meals containing [principally] bacon;
    Prepared meals consisting principally of vegetables;
    Prepared meals made from poultry [poultry predominating];
    Prepared meals consisting primarily of meat substitutes;
    Prepared meals consisting substantially of seafood;
    Prepared meals consisting primarily of fish;
    Prepared meals consisting primarily of duck;
    Prepared meals consisting primarily of turkey;
    Frozen prepared meals consisting principally of vegetables;
    Prepared meals made from meat [meat predominating];
    Ready cooked meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of poultry;
    Ready cooked meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of game;
    Prepared dishes consisting primarily of fishcakes, vegetables, boiled eggs, and broth (oden).;

NICE Classification

  • Flour based snack foods;
    Snack food products made from potato flour;
    Snack foods made of whole wheat;
    Rice-based snack food;
    Snacks manufactured from muesli;
    Cereal-based snack food;
    Chocolate-based spreads;
    Sweet spreads [honey];
    Chocolate spreads containing nuts;
    Sandwich spread made from chocolate and nuts;
    Coffee, teas and cocoa and substitutes therefor;
    Cocoa based creams in the form of spreads;
    Snack foods consisting principally of bread;
    Snack foods consisting principally of confectionery;
    Cheese flavored puffed corn snacks;
    Snack foods consisting principally of extruded cereals;
    Ready to eat savory snack foods made from maize meal formed by extrusion;
    Tortilla snacks;
    Snack food products made from cereal starch;
    Multigrain-based snack foods;
    Snack food products made from rusk flour;
    Snack food products made from maize flour;
    Snack foods prepared from maize;
    Cereal-based savoury snacks;
    Corn-based savoury snacks;
    Prepared meals containing [principally] rice;
    Prepared meals in the form of pizzas;
    Noodle-based prepared meals for toddlers;
    Dry and liquid ready-to-serve meals, mainly consisting of rice;
    Dry and liquid ready-to-serve meals, mainly consisting of pasta.;

NICE Classification

  • Foodstuffs and fodder for animals;
    Fresh fruit, nuts, vegetables and herbs.;

NICE Classification

  • Juices;
    Aerated juices;
    Squashes [non-alcoholic beverages];
    Mixed fruit juice.;

NICE Classification

  • Wholesale services in relation to animal grooming preparations;
    Retail services in relation to animal grooming preparations;
    Retail services relating to food;
    Retail services via catalogues related to foodstuffs;
    Mail order retail services related to foodstuffs;
    Retail services connected with the sale of subscription boxes containing food;
    Retail services via global computer networks related to foodstuffs;
    Wholesale services in relation to fuels;
    Wholesale services in relation to meats;
    Wholesale services in relation to dairy products;
    Wholesale services in relation to baked goods;
    Wholesale services in relation to confectionery;
    Wholesale services in relation to desserts;
    Wholesale services in relation to coffee;
    Wholesale services in relation to fodder for animals;
    Wholesale services in relation to teas;
    Wholesale services in relation to cocoa;
    Wholesale services in relation to foodstuffs;
    Wholesale services in relation to non-alcoholic beverages;
    Retail services relating to candy;
    Wholesale services relating to candy;
    Retail services relating to delicatessen products;
    Retail services relating to fruit;
    Retail services relating to bakery products;
    Retail services in relation to teas;
    Retail services in relation to meats;
    Retail services in relation to foodstuffs;
    Retail services in relation to cocoa;
    Retail services in relation to dairy products;
    Retail services in relation to fodder for animals;
    Retail services in relation to desserts;
    Retail services in relation to chocolate;
    Wholesale services in relation to chocolate;
    Retail services in relation to coffee;
    Retail services in relation to non-alcoholic beverages;
    Retail services via global computer networks related to non-alcoholic beverages;
    Online advertisements.;

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