Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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Owner Gazduire Web, RO, (EPOID: 1454664)



NICE Classification

  • Internet servers;
    Server software;
    Web server software;
    Server-side software;
    Network access server operating software;
    Computer software for controlling and managing access server applications;
    Computer servers;
    Communications servers [computer hardware];
    File server software;
    Intranet servers;
    Printer servers;
    Proxy server software;
    Print server software;
    Thin client computers;
    Network access server hardware;
    Cloud servers;
    Cloud server software;
    Web application and server software;
    Web content management [WCM] software;
    Web application software;
    Email software;
    Electronic mail and messaging software;
    Weekly publications downloaded in electronic form from the internet;
    Digital music downloadable provided from the internet;
    Data recorded electronically from the internet;
    Website development software;
    Internet telephones;
    Internet access software;
    Software downloadable from the internet;
    Internet phones;
    CMS software [Content management system];
    Downloadable computer software for use as an application programming interface (API);
    Safety, security, protection and signalling devices;
    Security software.;

NICE Classification

  • Hosting of customized web pages;
    Hosting web portals;
    Website development services;
    Hosting websites on the Internet;
    Rental of web servers;
    Building and maintaining websites;
    Server hosting;
    Server administration;
    Hosting the web sites of others on a computer server for a global computer network;
    Rental of server memory space;
    Compilation of web pages for the Internet;
    Design of web pages;
    Programming of customized web pages;
    Web portal design;
    Programming of web pages;
    Electronic storage of archived e-mails;
    Electronic storage of documents and archived e-mails;
    Providing information in the field of architectural design via a website;
    Hosting an online website for creating and hosting micro websites for businesses;
    Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications accessible via a web site;
    Hosting of digital content on the Internet;
    Computer security services in the nature of administering digital certificates;
    Authentication services for computer security;
    Computer security consultancy;
    Professional consultancy relating to computer security;
    Consultancy in the field of security software;
    Research relating to security.;

NICE Classification

  • Leasing of internet domain names;
    Consultancy relating to the registration of domain names;
    Registration of domain names for identification of users on a global computer network;
    Registration of domain names [legal services];
    Registration of domain names for identification of users on a global computer network [legal service];
    Domain name advisory services;
    Providing information about legal services via a website;
    Internet dating services;
    Monitoring of security systems;
    Physical security consultancy.;

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