Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A








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INDECO SRL, IT, (EPOID: 1454584)



NICE Classification

  • Silk screen prints;
    Decoration and art materials and media;
    Engraving plates;
    Pads for applying paint;
    Graphic drawings;
    Graphic prints;
    Engravings and their reproductions;
    Lithographic engravings;
    Lithographic works of art;
    Graphic representations;
    Graphic reproductions;
    Graphic art prints;
    Prints [engravings];
    Printing blocks;
    Transfers [decalcomanias].;

NICE Classification

  • Spray painting;
    Painting, interior and exterior.;

NICE Classification

  • Silkscreen printing;
    Digital enhancement of photographs;
    Color enhancement of black and white film;
    Print finishing services;
    Printing of images on objects;
    Digital printing;
    Design printing for others;
    Film developing and processing;
    Transfer of photographic prints;
    Offset printing;
    Custom manufacture of molded components;
    Engraving of dies;
    Paint mixing services;
    Custom manufacture of molds for use in industry;
    Custom manufacturing of make-up;
    Customized production of cosmetics for others;
    Custom manufacture by direct metal laser sintering;
    Engraving services for nameplates;
    Engraving services for seals;
    Metal treating;
    Application of appliques to textiles;
    Photographic etching of articles of clothing;
    Photographic etching of textiles;
    Pattern printing.;

NICE Classification

  • Analysis of product design;
    Analysis of product development;
    Testing, authentication and quality control;
    Process monitoring for quality assurance;
    Quality control of glass containers;
    Quality control;
    Quality control for others;
    Conducting of quality control tests;
    Material testing services;
    Advisory services relating to material testing;
    Advisory services relating to product testing;
    Research and development services;
    Quality control testing services for industrial machinery;
    Testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods of others for the purpose of certification;
    Development of testing methods;
    Conformance testing services;
    Product quality control testing;
    Product testing;
    Providing quality assurance services;
    Engineering testing;
    Evaluation of product development;
    Product development consultation;
    Design of interior decor;
    Commercial art design;
    Packaging design for others;
    Design of glass and of glass products;
    Industrial and graphic art design;
    Design of ornamental layouts;
    Computer aided design of molds;
    Design of manufacturing methods;
    Design of models;
    Product design;
    Design of printed material;
    Design of moulds;
    Design and testing for new product development;
    Design and testing of new products;
    Visual design;
    Industrial art design;
    Product research and development;
    Graphic design;
    Design services;
    Product development for others;
    Technical assessments relating to design;
    Industrial process research;
    Technical design;
    Industrial development services;
    Services for the development of methods of testing;
    Technological services and design relating thereto;
    Technological services and research relating thereto;
    Development of new products;
    Development of coatings for non-metals;
    Development of coatings for metals;
    Engineering design;
    Technical drawing;
    Engineering feasibility studies.;

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