Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 08.05.2009








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Berkley Networks Corporation, US, (EPOID: 368326)



NICE Classification

  • Electronic commerce services, namely, dissemination of advertising, discount programs, customer loyalty programs and customer reward programs for others via global computer networks, telecommunications networks, and wireless communication networks;
    providing a database of customer profiles that enables customers to centralize information from loyalty programs, discount programs and customer reward programs, and to organize, manage and share shopping lists and customer profile information with retailers, vendors and other consumers.;

NICE Classification

  • Electronic commerce and communication services, namely, the electronic transmission and reception of text, data, voice, audio, video, images, sound, information, and other digital and interactive information via global computer networks, telecommunications networks, and wireless communication networks;
    providing access to a multi-channel interactive network that enables individuals to capture, record and share information about items they wish to purchase or to have purchased via global computer networks, telecommunications networks, and wireless communication networks.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing online, non-downloadable software that enables the interactive exchange of information between retailers, vendors and customers for a variety of goods and services via global computer networks, telecommunications networks, and wireless communication networks;
    providing non-downloadable software for a multi-channel interactive network that enables individuals to capture, record and share information about items they wish to purchase or to have purchased via global computer networks, telecommunications networks, and wireless communication networks;
    computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network.;

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