International Day of Gypsy Song 8 August
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Rostás, Mihály, HU, (EPOID: 1448919)



NICE Classification

  • Presentation of live performances;
    Production of live performances;
    Organisation of live performances;
    Arranging and presenting of live performances;
    Live performance services;
    Production of live shows;
    Provision of live shows;
    Live show production services;
    Live entertainment;
    Presentation of live entertainment performances;
    Production of live entertainment events;
    Presentation of live entertainment events;
    Provision of live entertainment;
    Arranging and conducting of live entertainment events;
    Conducting of live entertainment events;
    Live dance exhibitions;
    Presentation of live dance performances;
    Live music performances;
    Organisation of live musical performances;
    Live musical concerts;
    Live band performances;
    Live band performance services;
    Presentation of live performances by musical bands;
    Live musical theater performances;
    Directing of shows;
    Entertainment services provided by a musical vocal group;
    Arranging and conducting of concerts;
    Singing concert services;
    Presentation of musical concerts;
    Entertainment by means of concerts;
    Presentation of concerts;
    Arranging, conducting and organisation of concerts;
    Consultancy and information services relating to arranging, conducting and organisation of concerts;
    Entertainment in the nature of live performances and personal appearances by a costumed character;
    Entertainment in the nature of live dance performances;
    Entertainment in the nature of dance performances;
    Entertainment in the nature of orchestra performances;
    Entertainment services in the form of concert performances;
    Entertainment services for producing live shows;
    Production of entertainment shows featuring instrumentalists;
    Production of entertainment shows featuring singers.;

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