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Kale Musluk San. ve Tic. A.S., TR, (EPOID: 1452625)



NICE Classification

  • Retail services in relation to Building and construction materials and elements of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Building and construction materials and elements of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Building and construction materials and elements of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Doors, gates, windows and window coverings of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Doors, gates, windows and window coverings of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Doors, gates, windows and window coverings of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Metal hardware;
    Wholesale services in relation to Metal hardware;
    Online retail services in relation to Metal hardware;
    Retail services in relation to Statues and works of art of common metals;
    Wholesale services in relation to Statues and works of art of common metals;
    Online retail services in relation to Statues and works of art of common metals;
    Wholesale services in relation to Structures and transportable buildings of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Structures and transportable buildings of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Structures and transportable buildings of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Unprocessed and semi-processed materials of metal, not specified for use;
    Wholesale services in relation to Unprocessed and semi-processed materials of metal, not specified for use;
    Online retail services in relation to Unprocessed and semi-processed materials of metal, not specified for use;
    Retail services in relation to Handrails of metal for baths and showers;
    Wholesale services in relation to Handrails of metal for baths and showers;
    Online retail services in relation to Handrails of metal for baths and showers;
    Retail services in relation to Metal air conditioning ducts;
    Wholesale services in relation to Metal air conditioning ducts;
    Online retail services in relation to Metal air conditioning ducts;
    Online retail services in relation to Metal heating ducts;
    Retail services in relation to Metal materials for building and construction;
    Wholesale services in relation to Metal materials for building and construction;
    Retail services in relation to Metal heating ducts;
    Online retail services in relation to Metal materials for building and construction;
    Wholesale services in relation to Metal heating ducts;
    Retail services in relation to Pipes, tubes and hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Pipes, tubes and hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Pipes, tubes and hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Cables, wires and chains, of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Cables, wires and chains, of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Cables, wires and chains, of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Locks and keys, of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Locks and keys, of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Locks and keys, of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Molds of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Molds of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Molds of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Nuts, bolts and fasteners, of metal;
    Wholesale services in relation to Nuts, bolts and fasteners, of metal;
    Online retail services in relation to Nuts, bolts and fasteners, of metal;
    Retail services in relation to Welding and soldering materials;
    Wholesale services in relation to Welding and soldering materials;
    Online retail services in relation to Welding and soldering materials;
    Retail services in relation to Brass;
    Wholesale services in relation to Brass;
    Online retail services in relation to Brass;
    Retail services in relation to Thermostatic valves;
    Online retail services in relation to Thermostatic valves;
    Wholesale services in relation to Thermostatic valves;
    Retail services in relation to Radiator valves;
    Online retail services in relation to Radiator valves;
    Wholesale services in relation to Radiator valves;
    Retail services in relation to Manually-operated plumbing valves;
    Online retail services in relation to Manually-operated plumbing valves;
    Wholesale services in relation to Manually-operated plumbing valves.;

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