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Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., US, (EPOID: 952380)



NICE Classification

  • Recorded computer game and video game programs and software;
    downloadable computer and video game programs and software;
    downloadable digital materials, namely, ring tones, wallpapers, screensavers, digital music files, and graphics, videos, films, multimedia files, live action programs, motion pictures, and animation in the field of video games and computer games, all delivered via global computer networks and wireless devices;
    pre-recorded digital media devices featuring computer games and video games, ring tones, wallpapers, screensavers, digital music files, and graphics, videos, films, multimedia files, live action programs, motion pictures, and animation in the field of video games and computer games;
    pre-recorded USB flash drives featuring computer games and video games;
    cases for mobile phones and tablet computers;
    mouse pads;
    pre-recorded electronic media devices featuring music, namely, compact discs, and phonograph records featuring computer games and video games;
    downloadable computer application software for mobile phones, portable media players, tablet computers, and handheld computers namely, downloadable software for video and computer games.;

NICE Classification

  • Printed materials, namely, manuals, pamphlets, booklets, books, magazines, posters and guides in the field of computer and video games strategy and information.;

NICE Classification

  • Clothing, namely, shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, pants, casual and leisure jackets;
    headwear, namely, hats and caps.;

NICE Classification

  • Collectible toy figures.;

NICE Classification

  • Entertainment services, namely, providing online games, providing a website featuring computer games and video games, and news, information, tips, hints, contests, computer interface themes, enhancements, audio-visual content in the nature of music, films, videos, television programs, animated series, and multimedia entertainment content, all in the field of computer games and video games;
    providing information, news and commentary in the field of computer games and video games.;

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Trademark catalog

2K 40