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Radish AB, SE, (EPOID: 1453981)



NICE Classification

  • Educational software;
    Children's educational software;
    Computer software concerned with children's education;
    Educational mobile applications;
    Computer software for use in teaching and education;
    multi-platform dynamic software for use in teaching and education;
    downloadable publications and multimedia content to support teaching and learning;
    pre-recorded discs featuring educational and informational material;
    teaching apparatus;
    software applications all for use in teaching and learning;
    Downloadable computer software for managing, assessing, analyzing, organizing, monitoring, connecting, communicating, and collaborating on curriculum, learning and training for use by students, parents, teachers, instructors, administrators, schools, academic institutions and businesses.;

NICE Classification

  • Educational equipment;
    Educational books;
    Printed educational materials;
    Printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials;
    Educational publications, namely, educational learning cards, flash cards, activity cards, workbooks, textbooks, activity books, story books, puzzle books, printed puzzles, teacher guides, manuals, posters and educational booklets;
    Instructional and teaching materials.;

NICE Classification

  • Entertainment and educational services;
    providing interactive online educational instruction and distribution of electronic course materials in connection therewith;
    providing temporary use of non-downloadable educational computer games;
    providing on-line educational practice lessons and distribution of electronic course materials in connection therewith, and performance tracking and evaluation of the user's progress in the same;
    providing analysis of individual educational test scores and data and generating reports on the same;
    developing and disseminating on-line educational materials regarding standardized testing;
    educational services;
    Providing online individualized reports on a user's progress as it relates to the standardized testing;
    providing on-line interactive publications, individualized reports, state standards reports, and course materials, all in the field of education;
    Development of educational materials;
    Educational services provided for children;
    Educational services to support teaching and learning;
    educational research services;
    information services relating to teaching and learning;
    production of audio visual recordings in relation to teaching and education administration;
    making available educational printed material, including electronically, over the internet and via other communication services.;

NICE Classification

  • Software as a service (SaaS);
    Hosting a website featuring downloadable software and installers allowing web users to download, upload, distribute and display content on educational topics and subjects;
    application provider (ASP) services;
    Hosting, managing, developing and maintaining web-based applications, software and a website for wireless delivery of teaching and learning materials to mobile, electronic and optical devices;
    computer software design and development all for use in and to support teaching and learning;
    Computer services;
    hosting and maintaining online web site for schools, academic institutions and enterprises to facilitate education, learning and training of students and employees;
    computer technology support services;
    help desk services;
    providing non-downloadable software via a website for multimedia electronic communication that allows users to view and exchange data, documents and applications with others, to view the online status of users, and to communicate with and among users.;

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