MaG!čNi ŠesiR
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Ludus, obrt za usluge, vl. Roberta Dragičević, HR, (EPOID: 1440664)



NICE Classification

  • Organisation of sports tuition;
    Organisation of cycling events;
    Organisation of roller-skating competitions;
    Organisation of track and field competitions;
    Organisation of ice-skating competitions;
    Organization of soccer competitions;
    Organisation of sports tournaments;
    Organisation of dog races;
    Organization of ski competitions;
    Arranging and conducting of lectures;
    Organisation and presentation of shows;
    Organisation of guided educational tours;
    Organisation of live musical performances;
    Organization of cosplay entertainment events;
    Organisation of entertainment and cultural events;
    Arranging, conducting and organisation of conferences;
    Arranging, conducting and organisation of concerts;
    Arranging, conducting and organisation of congresses;
    Arranging and conducting of cultural activities;
    Arranging and conducting of entertainment activities;
    Arranging and conducting of music concerts;
    Arranging and conducting of entertainment events;
    Arranging and conducting of sports events;
    Arranging and conducting of symposiums;
    Organising of sporting activities and of sporting competitions;
    Organisation of sports activities for summer camps;
    Organisation of educational activities for summer camps;
    Organisation of entertainment activities for summer camps;
    Arranging and conducting of educational courses;
    Arranging and conducting of live entertainment events;
    Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes;
    Arranging and conducting of competitions [education or entertainment];
    Arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums;
    Arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops;
    Arranging and conducting of meetings in the field of education;
    Arranging and conducting of meetings in the field of entertainment;
    Organization, arranging and conducting of basketball games;
    Organization, arranging and conducting of tennis games;
    Organization of sporting events and competitions, involving animals;
    Arranging competitions and tournaments relating to driving;
    Organization, arranging and conducting of table tennis games;
    Organisation of congresses and conferences for cultural and educational purposes;
    Organisation and holding of fairs for cultural or educational purposes;
    Arranging and conducting of wine tasting events for entertainment purposes;
    Arranging and conducting of wine tasting events for educational purposes;
    Sailing instruction;
    Photography instruction;
    Adventure training for children;
    Information relating to cultural activities;
    Information and advisory services relating to entertainment;
    Information services relating to recreation;
    Consultancy services in the field of entertainment;
    Special event planning consultation;
    Sporting and cultural activities;
    Summer camps [entertainment and education];
    Entertainment information;
    Recreation information;
    Conducting of ceremonies for entertainment purposes;
    Organisation of events for cultural, entertainment and sporting purposes;
    Organization of entertainment events;
    Organizing community sporting and cultural events;
    Organising of festivals;
    Arranging of festivals for cultural purposes;
    Arranging of festivals for entertainment purposes;
    Organisation of group recreational activities;
    Organizing and arranging exhibitions for entertainment purposes;
    Organization of balls;
    Arranging of demonstrations for entertainment purposes;
    Organising events for cultural purposes;
    Organising of audience participative games;
    Organisation of outings for entertainment;
    Organising community cultural events;
    Organizing cultural and arts events;
    Organisation of shows;
    Organising of shows for entertainment purposes;
    Organization of shows for cultural purposes;
    Organising of entertainment;
    Organisation of recreational activities;
    Organising of recreational events;
    Organisation of recreational tournaments;
    Organising of meetings in the field of entertainment;
    Arranging for students to participate in recreational activities;
    Organisation of entertainment for birthday parties;
    Organisation of entertainment services;
    Planning and conducting of parties [entertainment];
    Party planning [entertainment];
    Planning of shows;
    Party planning;
    Dance events;
    Providing information about cultural activities;
    Providing leisure and recreation facilities;
    Provision of recreational activities;
    Popular entertainment services;
    Arranging of presentations for entertainment purposes;
    Arranging of entertainment shows;
    Provision of play facilities for children;
    Provision of recreation information;
    Providing entertainment information;
    Providing information on entertainment through computer networks;
    Provision of facilities for outdoor recreational activities;
    Provision of recreational events;
    Provision of entertainment facilities;
    Workshops for cultural purposes;
    Workshops for recreational purposes;
    Recreational services for the elderly;
    Interviewing of contemporary figures for entertainment purposes;
    Providing recreation facilities;
    Recreational camps;
    Advisory services relating to entertainment;
    Fetes (Organisation of -) for recreational purposes;
    Fetes (Organisation of -) for entertainment purposes;
    Entertainment agency services;
    Children's adventure playground services;
    Social club services for entertainment purposes;
    Interactive entertainment services;
    Entertainment services in the nature of organizing social entertainment events;
    Entertainment services in the nature of arranging social entertainment events;
    Entertainment, education and instruction services;
    Entertainment services relating to competitions;
    Entertainment services relating to quizzes;
    Children's entertainment services;
    Entertainment, sporting and cultural activities;
    Physical fitness instruction for adults and children;
    Provision of educational entertainment services for children in after school centers;
    Education, entertainment and sport services;
    Ticket reservation and booking services for education, entertainment and sports activities and events;
    Education, entertainment and sports;
    Organisation of conferences, exhibitions and competitions;
    Rental services relating to equipment and facilities for education, entertainment, sports and culture;
    Amusement and theme parks, fairs, zoos and museums;
    Administration [organisation] of amusement services;
    Administration [organisation] of entertainment services;
    Booking agencies for entertainment;
    Holiday camp amusement centre services;
    Holiday centre entertainment services;
    Face painting;
    Party planning consultation;
    Play schemes [entertainment/education];
    Providing bounce houses for recreational purposes;
    Provision of facilities for dancing;
    Provision of rooms for entertainment;
    Providing recreational areas in the nature of play areas for children;
    Booking of sports personalities for events (services of a promoter);
    Booking of performing artists for events (services of a promoter);
    Entertainment provided during intervals of sporting events;
    Amusement centers.;

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