metoda Łukasiewicza

Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 09.01.2029








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Project English Karolina Górecka, PL, (EPOID: 975928)



NICE Classification

  • Programs for computers;
    Multimedia publications, publications on electronic media including encyclopaedias, lexicons, handbooks, manuals, magazines and games;
    Computer software for training and teaching purposes;
    Publications and materials recorded on electronic media;
    Electronic publications, apparatus for recording, transmitting or reproducing sound or images;
    Data processing systems;
    Data storage devices;
    Magnetic, digital and optical data carriers;
    Mobile applications, downloadable applications, computer software, computer software for integration of applications and databases, computer software for internet applications, computer software for the creation of applications;
    Training manuals in the form of a computer program;
    All the aforesaid goods relating solely to foreign language learning.;

NICE Classification

  • Printed matter, educational publications, manuals, educational manuals, books, writing materials, stationery, teaching and instructional materials, publications, newspapers, journals, books, notes, educational and teaching aids on paper media;
    All the aforesaid goods relating solely to foreign language learning.;

NICE Classification

  • Provision of training and education, Lecture events, Organisation of training workshops, Education, Training (practical -), Organisation of training, Correspondence courses, Tutorials, Training, Translation and interpretation, Organisation of competitions (education), Conducting of educational events, Language camps, Education and training courses, Demonstrations, Educational multimedia presentations, Organization of conferences and seminars, Issue and publication of books and texts, Production of course materials;
    All the aforesaid services relating solely to foreign language learning.;

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