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NVIDIA Corporation, US, (EPOID: 1002332)



NICE Classification

  • Computer switches;
    Ethernet switches;
    Computer data center switches;
    Computer networking hardware;
    Computer networking peripherals;
    Communication and computer network hubs;
    Cards and microprocessors for computers;
    Graphics processing units (GPUs);
    Integrated circuits;
    Integrated circuits, semiconductors and computer chipsets;
    Downloadable software and computer hardware using artificial intelligence for machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics, business intelligence and computer vision;
    Downloadable software for managing large scale data centers, data analysis, data storage, and storage system performance analysis;
    Downloadable software development tools;
    Downloadable software development kits (SDKs);
    Downloadable software for cloud infrastructure management and automation;
    Downloadable software and firmware for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other;
    Downloadable software for communication among central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), data processing units (DPUs), and data storage systems;
    Downloadable software for collecting, transferring, moving, accessing, managing, monitoring and profiling data from central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), data processing units (DPUs), and data storage systems;
    Downloadable software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data;
    Downloadable software for monitoring and managing data centers and cloud-based and virtualized computing environments;
    Downloadable software for processing, regulating, analyzing, and optimizing the transmission of data and information;
    Downloadable software for processing, regulating, analyzing, and optimizing the operation of computer servers, data storage systems, enterprise data centers, and cloud computing networks;
    Downloadable software for developing and implementing algorithms and computer programs in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics, and business intelligence.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing online non-downloadable software and computer hardware using artificial intelligence for machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics, business intelligence and computer vision;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for managing large scale data centers, data analysis, data storage, and storage system performance analysis;
    Providing online non-downloadable software development tools;
    Providing online non-downloadable software development kits (SDKs);
    Providing online non-downloadable software for cloud infrastructure management and automation;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for communication among central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), data processing units (DPUs), and data storage systems;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for collecting, transferring, moving, accessing, managing, monitoring and profiling data from central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), data processing units (DPUs), and data storage systems;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for monitoring and managing data centers and cloud-based and virtualized computing environments;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for processing, regulating, analyzing, and optimizing the transmission of data and information;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for processing, regulating, analyzing, and optimizing the operation of computer servers, data storage systems, enterprise data centers, and cloud computing networks;
    Providing online non-downloadable software for developing and implementing algorithms and computer programs in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language generation, statistical learning, supervised learning, un-supervised learning, data mining, predictive analytics, and business intelligence;
    Computer technical support services, namely, management and optimization of software and hardware for data centers.;

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