Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Modash OÜ, EE, (EPOID: 1449002)



NICE Classification

  • Influencer marketing;
    analysis of influencers;
    promotion of goods and services through influencers;
    advertising analysis;
    advertising and marketing;
    advertising and marketing consultancy;
    advertising and marketing services provided by means of social media;
    analysis relating to marketing;
    automated data processing;
    business advice relating to marketing;
    business analysis;
    business assistance, management and administrative services;
    business data analysis services;
    collection, systematization, compilation and analysis of business data, statistics and information;
    collection of personnel information;
    compilation of business statistics and commercial information;
    compilation of market statistics;
    compilation of statistical models for the provision of market dynamics information;
    consultancy relating to advertising and promotion services;
    consultancy services in the field of affiliate marketing;
    consultancy services regarding business strategies;
    data processing;
    evaluating the impact of advertising on audiences;
    market analysis;
    market campaigns;
    market research data retrieval services;
    market segmentation consultation;
    marketing advisory services;
    marketing information;
    marketing services;
    mediation of advertising;
    online data processing services;
    preparation and compilation of business and commercial reports and information;
    preparation and development of advertising and promotional campaigns;
    preparation of marketing plans;
    processing of business survey results;
    promoting the goods and services of others over the internet;
    promotional services;
    promotional advertising services;
    promotional marketing;
    providing advice in the field of business management and marketing;
    providing business information in the field of social media;
    provision of marketing reports;
    publicity and sales promotion services;
    statistical evaluations of marketing data.;

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