Perchè la vostra Produzione Informatica è vitale
Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 21.10.2014








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ORGANISATION SYSTEME PRODUCTIVITE, société par actions simplifiée, FR, (EPOID: 341612)



NICE Classification

  • Software, work organisation and supervision software, diagnostic software, software for analysis, software for publishing documents, archiving software, software for the supervision and management of computer servers, software for surfing computer networks, encryption and encoding software, logistics software, stock management software, software for calculating costs;
    billing software, evaluation software, smart cards or cards with microprocessors, magnetic cards, audio and video compact discs, optical compact discs, magnetic data carriers, computer programs, computer programs (downloadable software), electronic publications (downloadable).;

NICE Classification

  • Newspapers, newsletters, manuals, books, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus).;

NICE Classification

  • Business management assistance, business organisation and management consultancy, professional business consultancy, cost-price analysis, providing efficiency experts, collection of data in a master file, computerised file management, market studies.;

NICE Classification

  • Education, providing of training, organisation and conducting of conferences, practical training (demonstration), organisation and conducting of training workshops, organisation and conducting of seminars, electronic publication of periodicals and books online, downloading of software.;

NICE Classification

  • Analysis for computer system and software installation, reconstruction of databases, conversion of data and computer programs, consultancy in the field of computer hardware and software, creating and maintenance of websites, for others, creating and maintenance of computer networks, development and designing of software, design of computer systems, technical project studies relating to computing and work organisation, hosting of computer sites, computer software installation, software maintenance, maintenance of computer programs, remote maintenance of computer programs and software, computer programming, reconstruction of databases.;

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