Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration N/A









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Prodieco Limited, IE, (EPOID: 1454232)



NICE Classification

  • Tools and dies;
    tools and dies for machine tools;
    tools and dies for packaging machines;
    tools and dies for blister packaging machines;
    tools and dies for packaging pharmaceuticals, medical and surgical devices;
    tools and dies for forming pockets for products in a web in blister packaging machines;
    sealing tools and dies for sealing webs in blister packaging machines;
    cutting tools and dies for cutting webs in blister packaging machines;
    perforating tools and dies for perforating webs in blister packaging machines;
    embossing tools and dies for embossing webs in blister packaging machines;
    feeders for feeding product to packaging machines;
    components, parts, fittings, fixtures, assemblies and change parts for packaging machines and blister packaging machines;
    machines, apparatus, equipment and assemblies for the medical technologies and devices sector (MedTech) and components, parts and fittings therefor;
    feeders for feeding product to blister packaging machines;
    conveying and elevating systems for conveying and elevating products to packaging machines and blister packaging machines;
    robotic mechanisms for conveying and elevating products to packaging machines and blister packaging machines;
    machines, components and parts therefor for making medical and surgical devices, apparatus and instruments;
    assembly machines;
    automated assembly machines;
    cartoning machines;
    carton erecting machine.;

NICE Classification

  • Tool and die making services;
    engineering services;
    production and supply of special purpose machines, machine parts, machine components, machine fittings, machine fixtures and change parts for machines;
    design and development of special purpose machines, machine parts, machine components, machine fittings, machine fixtures and change parts for machines;
    assembly of products for others.;

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