3R Restoration
Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 26.04.2031








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BELFOR Europe GmbH, DE, (EPOID: 307190)



NICE Classification

  • Leak detector systems;
    Electric checking (supervision) and signalling systems for fire and smoke protection for persons, equipment and machines.;

NICE Classification

  • Fire-protection goods, namely ballast, tiles, mortar, doors, partitions, sleeves, shutters, covers, linings, sprayed rendering;
    Refractory materials, including tiles and mortar;
    Building materials (non-metallic),In particular panels and Mastics;
    Building materials compliant with fire-protection regulations, Not of metal,In particular fillers for fire-protection purposes, uncoated, single-sided coated and coated fire-protection panels (other than for packing, damping and insulating purposes) and fire-protection cement binders.;

NICE Classification

  • Cleaning of buildings, installations and machines, in particular the removal of asbestos and other hazardous materials;
    Textiles washing services;
    Fire and water damage clean-up;
    Maintenance of industrial installations and devices, and of moving staircases (escalators) and lifts;
    Installation of fire-protection systems;
    Maintenance of ventilating and air conditioning installations;
    Repair and/or maintenance of products for electrical and mechanical engineering;
    Demolition, plumbing, repairs to buildings;
    Dehumidification of buildings in case of water damage remediation and repair of damage caused by fire-extinguishing water, burst pipes and flooding;
    Repair of damage caused by fire, smoke, fire-extinguishing, burst pipes and flooding;
    Renovation, restoration and remediation of buildings and their interiors and interior fittings;
    Washing and cleaning of buildings and their interiors and interior fittings;
    Furniture restoration and Furnishings, drying of buildings and their interior fittings;
    rust removal;
    Receiving of messages relating to technical failures, irregularities and other technical problems in installations, machines and apparatus;
    Implementation of immediate preventative measures necessary for the prevention of damage or damage limitation (maintenance);
    Providing information and consultancy and drawing up reports relating to the aforesaid services.;

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